I Can't Lose You- P.P.

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A/N: I probably won't post spoilers for far from home for a while, so all my imagines will be spoiler free including this one. Also, don't believe me when I say the next imagine is coming out soon, because my version of soon is clearly a little long.

Warnings: Angst, Swears, and a Little Fluff

Peter really didn't want to leave you, especially since he has been so busy with school and his alter ego, but when the hair on his arms stood up, and the sirens started to blare, he couldn't ignore it no matter how much he wanted to. He wanted to stay there, wrapped up in your arms and get some well needed sleep, but duty called, and he needed to go. You were understanding of course, you always were, and you never resented him for being Spider-Man. Sure you got a little upset when he was late or needed to cancel plans, but you knew this was something he needed to do, so you got up, helped him with his suit, and kissed his cheek to wish him luck. Peter knew that he truly didn't deserve you, but he was so glad that you were in his life.


Peter had gotten to the bank that was being robbed in no time, and luckily, since it was late, there were no civilians there, so all he really had to do was take care of the robbers. This wasn't very hard because they seemed young and not very prepared, which meant that Peter had them all webbed up in a matter of minuets. He felt great, he wasn't hurt and he had successfully stopped a robbery. He knew he should of headed back home to get his well needed rest, but he was high on adrenaline right now, and all he wanted to do was tell you all about what he had done, even if you probably were already asleep, considering the late hour.

However, as Peter approached your apartment building, the hairs on his arm and neck stoop up for the second time that night, so he started swigging slower, thinking that some poor person was getting mugged. But, as he got closer, and closer to your apartment, his senses were still going everywhere, and he still hadn't found the source yet, until he saw smoke rising into the sky, and realized that your building was slowly going up in flames. He quickly dropped down in front of your building and was frozen in shock, until the screams and the sirens behind him broke him out of his daze.

He quickly swung up to the top floor, and started to get people out from there first. You lived on a floor closer to the bottom, but the firefighters were on the scene already, and they were working bottom up, so he just had to have faith that they would get to you. He knew you were home alone because your parents were out on a business trip, so he was just praying that you had woken up from all the commotion, and was trying to find a way to the firefighters.

He quickly swung in and out of the building, getting people out, and trying his best to ignore the fire that was slowly burning his suit. His first priority was to save everyone, before he could even think about his pain. As he was working his way through the building, and getting closer to your floor, he noticed that you weren't standing outside, or near the ambulances getting help, and Peter was really starting to panic. After he made sure the firefighters and himself had got everyone out, he quickly kicked his way into your apartment, and called out your name. When he didn't get a response, he tried to convince himself that it was just because the fire was too loud for you to hear him, so as quickly as he could, he made his way into what was left in your room. It was getting really hard to see and breathe at this point, but when he saw you lying on the floor next to your window, not moving, Peter swore his heart stopped.

He squatted next to your body, and pressed his fingers onto the side of your neck, almost crying out in joy when he felt your faint heartbeat. He needed to get you out of here, and quick. He picked you up in his arms, and turned around to go out the way he came in, only to see the path completely blocked with fallen beams. He turned around to the half destroyed window, and kicked away the glass so he could swing out, and land next to the ambulances. He quickly handed you over to the paramedics, explaining how he found you, and how you need medical attention immediately. They nodded, and put an oxygen mask over your face, and started to get to work on you. Peter desperately wanted to stay, but he knew he needed to leave before the police come to him, and he knew he can't be any help to you as Spider-Man anyway. So he ducked out unnoticed, and went into an alley to quickly change out of his ruined suit, and into spare clothes he had managed to pick up from your room. He left the suit hidden behind a dumpster, and quickly ran back to the ambulances explaining that his girlfriend was one of the people that was in the fire. They let him through, and he immediately ran to the ambulance he left you at. As he approached it, he slowed down, just as he could make out your small frame lying on one of the many stretchers that were set up. You were awake now, still having trouble breathing, but awake nonetheless.

He wanted nothing but to run to you and wrap his arms around you and never let go, but he was afraid of of hurting you more than he already had. So, he approached you with caution, just as the paramedic came to check on you. After she was done everything, she turned to look at Peter awkwardly standing to the side, and smiled softly at the young boy, assuming that he was the boyfriend judging by the look of heartbreak on his face. "You know, your girlfriend is going to be just fine. She may have trouble breathing for a couple more hours, but all we need to do is get more oxygen in her. We don't even need to take her to the hospital." The paramedic then turned around to look at you. "Although, you almost didn't make it there. If Spider-Man hadn't saved you when you had, the smoke damage on your lungs may have been irreversible. But he got to you just in time, and you'll be jut fine." She said leaving to check on other patients and give the couple their well needed privacy. Y/N took a deep breath in before she slowly pulled the mask away from her face.

"Y/N I-" but you didn't let him finish, just holding your hand up to stop him. "I know what your going to say Pete, and baby what happened it's not your fault. If anything, me being alive is only thanks to you. You heard what the paramedic said, if Spider-Man hadn't saved me when he did, I wouldn't be ok. But u did save me, and I am ok." Y/N said, looking up at Peter and pleading with her eyes for him to just come closer. But Peter stood his ground, because you were wrong this time, it was his fault. "How can you just say that? You almost didn't make it because of me. I should have saved people in the fire faster, or I shouldn't have even left you in the first place. Fu-Fuck, the bank robbery wasn't even that bad, the police could have handled it! Bad things always happen to everyone I love, and even being Spider-Man isn't enough to protect them." Peter let out, starting to let the built up tears flow down his cheeks, while he pulled at his hair with frustration. You sat up a little straighter and put you hands on his cheeks so he could look at you, and you gently took his hands away from his hair. "Peter stop doing this to yourself anytime someone gets hurt. If I didn't even know you, I would have still been in this fire, and I might have even died. None of this was your fault Pete, and it never will be. I knew the dangers of being Spider-Man's girlfriend when I started dating you and I'm ok with it. Because I don't care what can happen to me, as long as I get to be with you. I love you Peter and it hurts to see you blame yourself for something that you had no control over. I'm so fucking proud of everything you do, and the city is so much safer with you to look over us." Y/N said as she let a few tears of her own slip. Peter wrapped his arms around her, not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough to let her know he never wants to let go. "I'm sorry, I-I just don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you. I can't lose you." You pulled away from his embrace too look into his eyes, and made sure that he knew that you meant what you said. "You're not going to lose me. Not now, not ever."

A/N: Sorry this was kind of bad, I promise my next one will be better, whenever that comes out.

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