Yes, You Dork- T.H.

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Warnings: Fluff

"5,4,3,2,1! Happy New Year!!!" Champagne popped all around you, soaking your clothes but you couldn't care less. You were right where you wanted to be, in the arms of the love of your life, and everything else just seemed unimportant to you. As soon as the clock hit 12, you grabbed Tom's face and kissed him, hard, pouring out all your love to him. Little did you know, Tom was calming the alarming rate of butterflies in his stomach, to show you just how much he loved you. Tom slowly pulled his face away from yours, to take your features in. Your beautiful h/c hair that was curled to perfection, your cherry stained lips that were in the biggest smile he had ever seen, and lastly his favourite part about you, your ever sparkling e/c eyes, that never dulled for a moment. He took a deep breath, and got down on one knee, still holding your hands. You immediately gasped and stepped away, slipping your hands out of his, and covering your mouth with them. Tom took out a small box from his jacket, and opened it up to show the most beautiful ring you had ever seen in your life.

"Y/N, you make me the happiest person on earth. Call me cheesy, but you are the reason I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face, because I know that I am lucky enough to date a girl like you. The only thing that could possibly make my smile larger, is knowing that I'll have you for the rest of my life. So, Y/N L/N, will you do the honour of marrying..." Y/N didn't give Tom enough time to finish, as she got down to his level and smashed her lips into his. After a few seconds, Tom pulled away to look at her. "So...I'll take that as a yes?" Y/N's smile got bigger, if that was even possible. "Yes, you dork, I will marry you." Tom smiled, and slid the ring onto her finger. Then he got up, and wrapped his arms around you once again, just as cheering erupted from the crowd around you. You and Tom looked around you and smiled, and the fireworks soon erupted. Tom turned you back towards him, and kissed you softly. You had a feeling that this year was going to be a great year.

A/N: Happy New Year Guys!!!❤️ I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever, and that this is really short, but hey, at least I'm starting this year off right, right? Anyway, for a lack of a better saying, let's make 2019 our bitch. I hope you all have a great day, and a great year!!💕

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