The Oscar- T.H.

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Warnings: Fluff and Swears

"And The Oscar for the best actor in a leading role goes to...Tom Holland!" Cheers erupted from the audience, all of them turning to look at man who sat frozen in shock. With a little nudge from his best friend, he got up, and walked to the stage with shaking feet. He shook hands with the presenter, and accepted the award and smiled for a picture. When he turned to the mike to give his acceptance speech, it finally sunk in that he had just won a fucking Oscar.

When the audience quieted down, Tom started to speak, but he was cut off by the audience cheering again at something behind him. Tom turned to look at what it was, and his smile grew bigger when he saw his girlfriend trying her best to run gracefully and swiftly to him, in a long red dress and three inch heels. Y/N came up to him, gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I knew you could do it babe, congratulations!" She whispered in Tom's ear. Then she started walking back, apologizing for interrupting. When Tom turned back to the audience, they all burst out laughing. Turns out, Y/N left a big red lip print on his cheek.

A/N: Sorry it's really short, I just thought this idea was so cute. This was inspired by when John ran up in the stage to congratulate Emily on her award. I absolutely love them, and they are the cutest couple ever. Well, besides Y/N and Tom that is😉

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