I Promise (Part 1)- T.H.

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Warnings- Kinda Angsty, Swears, and Mention of Abortion

Y/N considered herself to be a generally calm and collected person. She could usually keep her emotions in check until she was in a private place where she could let it all out. This time however, Y/N could not stop the tears that were readily flowing down her face. You would think that a person would eventually run out of tears, but Y/N had been crying for a solid hour without a end in sight. She knew that she would have to pick herself up, especially considering that her boyfriend would be home soon. She didn't really feel like telling him until she could warp her head around it herself, and being found hunched in the corner of the bathroom crying next to a positive pregnancy test was a dead giveaway.

She took a deep breath in, and forced the tears to come to a stop. She picked up the test, and put it in the drawer with her tampons and pads, knowing that Tom wouldn't exactly go snooping around in there. She washed her face, and reapplied the minimal amount of makeup she had on. Just as she finished, she heard the front door open. She took a deep breath in, while staring at her reflection. She plastered the fakest smile she had ever see on her face, and walked out of the bathroom. Just as she was about to walk out the bedroom, Tom walked in, making them bump into each other. Tom let out a chuckle and steadied her by putting his arms on her shoulders.

"Hey baby, I got some food for us. Let me just take a shower and I'll join you, alright?" "Alright." Y/N said with as much fake happiness as she could muster. It seems good enough for Tom tough, as he just kisses her check, and heads towards the bathroom. Y/N heads to their kitchen, and sits on one of the bar stools with her head in her hands. What the fuck was she going to do? She wasn't stupid, she knew that they were no where near ready for a baby right now. With Tom's career kicking off, and her still finishing up her master's degree, there was just no time for a baby in their lives right now. But Y/N knew that she couldn't get rid of it, not after the struggle she had seen her mom go through to have a second child. It just wasn't something she believed in. But somehow, deep down, she knew that they could make it work somehow. She would find a way, she always did...right?

Y/N were so wrapped up in her thoughts, that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her, until a quiet voice spoke up. "What...what is this?" He asked looking at something in his hand. Y/N whipped around, eyes immediately going to the pregnancy test in his hand. Fuck. "I...it's..." her brain couldn't form full sentences as she stuttered trying to say something.

"You-you're pregnant?." He asked his voice sounding a little bit broken. Y/N sighed knowing that there was no way she could get out of this now, and she slowly nodded still not meeting his gaze. Tom pulled himself together, and he felt the anger slowly rising up in him. "When were you going to tell me, huh? Were you just going to hide this from me? I go looking to find a band-aid and instead I'm greeted with this!" His sharp tone makes her flinch, as she slowly looks up to see the anger swirling in his usually warm, soft eyes. "I just found out." Y/N pathetically mutters.

Tom sighs, realizing that his anger wasn't towards his girlfriend, but at the situation they currently found themselves in. He steps forward and wraps her in his arms, and kisses the top of her head. "It's ok baby, when we can, we can just make an appointment with a doctor to get rid of it." He whispered in her hair softly. It takes a second for his words to register in her head, but as soon as it does, she immediately pulls back from his embrace, to meet his surprised gaze. "Wh-what did you say?" She questions thinking that she quite hear him correctly. She was a little scared on how he would react, but she never in a million years thought that he'd want to get rid of the baby.

"Well clearly we can't have a baby right now, so you're having an abortion." Tom states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Y/N couldn't believe it! After everything he knew she went through with her mom, he was telling her to get rid of a life, simply because he wasn't ready! "Just because this isn't a good time for us, doesn't mean that we can just get rid of it. It's never going to be a perfect time, and if it's happening now, the so be it." Y/N said firmly, crossing her arms over her chest and staring at Tom as his face goes into a look of disbelief.

"Y-Y/N don't be silly. We just don't have time for a baby right now and you can't keep it. We're both busy with my job just taking off, and with you finishing up your degree. Having a baby would just mess that all up. We have worked way too hard for everything to just fall apart." He said trying to reason with her. But when he saw that she was still in the same stance, not willing to change her mind, he knew that he had to be assertive and make sure she knew what had to be done.

"Y/N you are getting rid of the baby and that's that. There is really no room to argue, and this is our only option." Y/N's face fell completely, and just when he thought he had won the battle, she swiftly walked over to him, and slapped him right across the face. He had no idea when she had become so strong, because damn, that hurt like a bitch.

"Screw you." She said before she walked out the door and never came back. Tom had let her go, thinking that she just needed some time to cool off, but every passing hour when she didn't come back, he started to kick himself more and more for not going after her. A few days later when Tom was out, all her things mysteriously disappeared from their apartment, and she left behind the one thing she promised she would never forget. Tom.

A/N: Yikes. That was sad to write. But all jokes aside, I feel like I have to address this. I don't think it's wrong to get rid of a baby, I personally think it's a women's choice considering it is her body. I just made the character feel that way to add to the story. So just because I wrote this imagine this way, does not mean that's how I feel. Abortion is a tricky subject, one I'm not going to get into right now, but there's good points to both sides, and at the end of the day, it's what you want to choose to believe in. Anyways hoped you liked the imagine!

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