You Really Are Something- P.P.

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Warnings- Mentions of the evil creatures known as spiders *shudder*

"OMG OMG OMG!" You scream as you see an evil creature in your wall. You were just minding your own business, doing the crap ton of homework that your teachers decided to give you, when you felt like you saw something moving in the corner of your eye. When you looked closer, you realized it was a spider. You immediately let out a blood curling scream, but unfortunately, no one was home to save you.

After promptly jumping on your bed, and throwing everything within reach at the spider, you knew it was time to take drastic measures. You grabbed your phone, and called your boyfriend. "Hey baby, I'm in the middle of patrol, can I call you..." Peter started saying as soon as he answered the phone. But, you being you, didn't let him finish. "Pete come over now and kill it!" You shrieked. Now, normally you weren't the type of girl that got scared over little things. No, you were the type of girl who laughed during the best horror movies because of how predictable and stupid it was. So when Peter heard you say this, his heart sank, and his adrenaline kicked in. He knew he shouldn't have started dating you because he knew that he was putting you in danger. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"I'm on my way babe, stay with me." Peter said urgently as he started swinging to your house as fast as he could. "Omg Peter, it's moving towards me!" You said, letting out another shriek. Peter practically threw himself onto the fire escape outside of your window, and jumped inside your room. When he went in ready to fight someone, he was kind of surprised to see nothing there. Just as he turned around to look at you, you threw yourself on him, clinging onto him like a baby. You pointed to the corner where the spider is and said "kill it, kill it now!" Peter gave you a confused look, setting you back down on your bed. He still didn't know what you were talking about. As he went to the corner you pointed to, he saw a little harmless spider that was crawling up the wall. Finally realizing what you were talking about, he took the little spider, and squished it in between his thumb and pointer finger. He threw the spider out the window, and looked at you with an amused smile on his face.

"Don't ok? Spiders are evil, and it could have killed me." You said trying to defend yourself. Peter just rolled his eyes and walked towards you, and wrapped his arms around your waist as you were getting up. "Y/N? You do realize you are dating SPIDER-man right?" Peter asked, his smile getting larger. You glared at him. "Yeah, well, you are not an actual spider, are you? And besides, you're way hotter than spiders so..." Peter chucked at your comment, a blush growing on his cheeks. "You really are something aren't you?" He said while tightening his grip and kissing you. You smiled into the kiss. "That I am."

A/N: I got trauma writing about spiders. They're just so gross and crawly and just ughhhh. Spiders are evil, conniving creatures.

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