I'll Always Come Back- P.P.

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Warnings- A Little Bit of Angst and Some Swears

You were so going to kill him. He promised you, swore even, that he would be there at 7:00 sharp. Not a second later, he said. But, as the clock neared 10:00, and he was still no where to be seen, you decided that you should probably just leave. I mean, this was New York, and just being outside after 9:00 was dangerous, let alone being outside alone.

You sighed, checking your phone one last time in hopes for a text from Peter, but when you saw no such thing, you got up from the bench that was outside of the restaurant your boyfriend was supposed to meet you at. You wrapped your jacket a little tighter around you, in hopes of blocking the fall breeze, and started your journey home.

Luckily, you made it home safely, and you went to your room and changed into more comfortable clothes. You usually did your homework at this time, but you actually finished it all when you got home because you were excited for this date. Peter was becoming really busy, with being a part time avenger, a grade eleven student, and the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. So much so that you hardly even got to see him anymore. You guys would meet at you locker before school started, and that's the most you'd see of him the rest of the day, considering you didn't have any classes or lunch together. He would leave right after the bell, and do his Spider-Man duties for the rest of the night. If you were lucky, you got to do homework with him after he got home. But even that was becoming a rarity.

You tried to understand, you really did. Being Spider-Man was really important to him, and you supported him. But you couldn't help but miss your boyfriend and your best friend. At this point though, you didn't even care that he missed out on your date. You were more worried about the fact that he wasn't done his Spider-Man duties. Being a superhero, Peter often put other lives in front of his, and although this was what heros were supposed to  do, it still scared the shit out of you sometimes.

You tiredly went into your bed, and checked your phone yet again. When you didn't see a text form Peter, you decided that you couldn't take it anymore, so you texted him.

Hey Peter, where are you? You missed date night, but it's fine I'm not mad just text me and let me knew that you're ok.

After not seeing a reply from Peter, Y/N sighed and decided to go to bed, considering it was nearing 12, and the fact that she had a long day. Turning her lights off, she drifted off to sleep, hoping that Peter was alright and safe.

Y/N startled awake when she heard sounds in her room. She quickly pretended to be asleep so that whatever or whoever was in her room would go away. But when she heard the voice of her stupid dork of a boyfriend curse while trying to make his way over to her bed, she immediately sat up, and watched as Peter sat next to her, making sure to wrap his arms around her.

"Y/N/N, I am so sorry, I completely lost track of time and..." But Y/N didn't let him finish, silencing him with a kiss. "I don't care that you missed our date Peter, I just want to know that you're safe. I'm so proud of you, but it scares me so much to know that people try to kill you everyday, and I just can't lose you..." It was Peter's turn to silence Y/N with a kiss. "You never have to worry about that baby, because I will always come back. I love you too much not to." He said cupping her checks, and wiping away the few stray tears she had let slip out. "Now come on its late, let's just go to sleep, yeah?" Y/N just wordlessly nodded, and moved over so Peter had room to lay down on her bed. He held on to her tight, and as Y/N drifted off to sleep once more, she let Peter's words play in her head, over and over again.

"I'll always come back."

A/N: This has been in my drafts for so long, so I decided to finally post it in honour of the Spider-Man trailer FINALLY coming out. But, can we just take a second to talk about the Far From Home trailer? IT WAS SO GOOD AND IM SO EXCITED AND JULY NEEDS TO COME SOONER. Tom did such a great job, and I just can't wait!!

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