My Girl- T.H. (AU)

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Warnings: Attempted sexual assault, swearing (lots of it), and general angst (with some fluff sprinkled in)

It wasn't the same. Deep down she knew it, but her heart refused to believe it. Refused to believe that after all this time of him chasing her, he had simply given up on them. She knew about his reputation when they first met. The egotistical playboy who doesn't do relationships. Not to mention the fact that he was a dangerous mafia leader who practically owned all of London. So when he had approached her in the club, she had made sure to not give him the time of the day, as she had no interest in being his bed warmer for the night. This had pissed him off because no girl had ever rejected him before, and not only had she rejected him, she had also disrespected him by telling him him to fuck off and find another girl to get his "dick wet". He was left on the dance floor gaping after her, not entirely as mad as he should have been, but more weirdly attracted.

After that interaction, Y/N found herself running into him practically everywhere she went, which she soon realized wasn't a coincidence, only aggravating her more. He might have owned all of London, but he did not own her, and she made sure he knew that. This of course, only made him more relentless. As annoying as he was most of the time, she slowly found her heart falling for him, but her mind refused to even acknowledge that weird fluttery feeling she'd get in her stomach every time he crossed her mind. He just wanted a good fuck, and he liked the challenge, that's all this was, she had to constantly tell herself. It might have started that way out for him, but he too found himself falling for the short, sassy girl.

This actively went on for a while, with him chasing her, and her avoiding him all the while convincing herself that she wasn't falling for him, until one day where she had stared into the face of death. She knew it was stupid to be walking alone in the dark, a little tipsy, not completely aware of her surroundings. Somehow her messed up brain thought it would be a good idea to get home as quickly as she could, which meant taking a few dodgy alleys next to bars. But of course as soon as she entered, she found herself staring at the barrel of a gun, the man roughing her up to find her wallet. She was still a little out of it, not exactly processing what he was saying, or even what was happening, which only caused the man to land a good punch on her face. Just as he was about to pull the safety off from his gun, she felt him being ripped away from her, and  she opened her tightly closed eyes to be met with the sight of Tom punching the guy unconscious. As soon as he was knocked out, Tom rushed over to the shaking girl, and quickly checked her for any major injuries. Y/N didn't know whether it was the fact that his usual cocky smirk was gone and was replaced by utter fear and concern, or the fact that he was handling her so gently, but she knew she was fucked (quite literally).

That was almost a year and half ago, and during that time, they had been going so strong. He was so completely infatuated with her, and made sure she knew that every second he could, if the big rock on her finger was anything to go by. But lately, he seemed distant. They barely talked to each other, let alone had any physical contact, and anytime she even dared to start a conversation with him, he'd immediately shut it down, claiming that he had more important things to do. They didn't even sleep in the same bed, and If it wasn't for the fact that everyone around her still treated her like Tom's fiancé, she was sure that she would have forgotten that they were even together in the first place. Everyone looked to her for answers when something was wrong with him, and before she was able to give it to them so easily, but now? Well, Y/N usually didn't even know there was something wrong to being with.

The only reasonable explanation she could think of? The chase was over, along with the honeymoon phase of their relationship, so he had lost interest in her. He had got to know every part of her, and now had simply gotten bored. And that thought broke her in more ways than she would like to admit.

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