Daddy Issues- T.H.

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Warnings: A little Angst, Fluff, and Maybe Swears

"Ok so this isn't just your everyday podcast. In this podcast, we are going to dig into your deep and dark secrets." The interviewer said, making weird hand gestures to seem scary. "And don't worry about crying, many celebrities have cried on here before, so just let the waterworks flow." Y/N shook her head and laughed at the way the interviewer was acting. Although it was a little strange and different than the usual interviews she had done throughout her career as an actress, the fact that it was different made her love it all the more. She didn't have to act polite and answer the questions that she had pretty much formulated a perfect answer for because she was asked it so many times. She didn't have to awkwardly smile, and fake laugh to make it seem like she was having a good time, when in fact she wanted to be any place than where she was at the moment. Instead, she could be herself, and let loose a little, and she was truly grateful for that, because as much as she loved her job and was grateful for it, this particular press tour was getting exhausting, and she needed this little break from routine. She had watched and listened to this podcast since she was little, and she always had loved how real celebrities got on here, and how they showed that they were human too, instead of the robotic front they often had to put up in front of the media. She loves it so much, she had made sure to put her foot down, so that she could make an appearance on here during the tour.

"People have actually cried on here? Like who?" Y/N asked, because as many times as she's seen and listened, she has never seen anyone actually cry. "Oh many people have full on sobbed on here, including your little boyfriend over there who's trying to hide." The interviewer said laughing, and pointing out Tom out, who was very clearly trying to sneak away. Y/N whipped around to look at her boyfriend to give him a look of curiosity, while he took his head out of his hands. "Well shit, I was hoping that wouldn't come up." Tom answered, with his face fully flushed. Y/N just shook her head with a small smile, and looked back to the interviewer. "Honestly, I'm not even surprised. He literally cried when we were watching Aladdin." The interviewer let out a laugh at this, looking past Y/N to see her boyfriend blush even more and return his head into his hands. "Well Y/N Y/L/N, are you ready to let it all out, show the world who you really are?" Y/N smirked, rubbing her hands together. "Oh, I am so ready."


"Alright last question. Are you ready?" The interviewer asked, looking up from his script. "Definitely. I mean come on, I haven't even cried yet!" The podcast was going great, the questions were interesting and actually made her think. And best of all, she hadn't actually gotten super emotional yet, which she saw as a plus, especially since she did have a little fear coming into the podcast that she was going to completely breakdown. But, she was going strong, and she was confident that she was going to be fine. "Well, if you don't at least let a tear slip at this one, I'll be impressed. What is your greatest regret in life?" Immediately the smile fell from Y/N's face, and her carefree nature became a little more guarded. "Oh, um, that's a really good question." Y/N said nervously, fidgeting in her seat a little bit, before letting out a breath. "Honestly, I could give you some random shit about not auditioning for a movie or something, but I'm going to be truthful. My biggest regret in life is not building a close relationship with my sister because of my petty issues and jealousy. My sister and I have an age difference of ten years, so most of my childhood I spent as an only child. During those years, I considered my relationship with my dad a decent one. We were never super close, but we communicated and he showed me some affection and that was enough. But after my sister was born, some things went down in my family that didn't really involve me, but it somehow changed our relationship. We were constantly at each other's throats, and we never really took the time to sit and talk, just make snide comments to make the other angry. While my sister was little, I was as close to her as I possibly could be, but as she grew I noticed my father give her the affection, love, and understanding he never gave me. I always thought that was because he just wasn't that type of person, but if he could do it for my sister, then clearly he did have it in him right?" At this point, Y/N's eyes were already becoming glossy with tears. "As we grew older and older, even with our age difference, it felt like we were always being compared, and I felt like nothing I did was good enough. But anything my sister did, no matter how bad, was ok because she was her and I was me. It was her being constantly pitted against me, and I just started seeing her as someone who I had to constantly be better than, instead of my sister. She became my biggest competition in life. At one point, it got to the point where I was not only drifting away from my father, but also my sister because I envied her. I had wanted a sibling in the first place, but I never had a good or strong relationship with her just because I had a shitty relationship with my dad. And I know, that might be a crappy thing to say, considering my father is not with us anymore, but I can't lie about it anymore. We had a fucked up relationship, one I had to question what I had done for us to become like this. And I know, that he did love me deep down, but it was just so hard to see at the time, and I separated myself from them completely. I focused on my career, built a great life, got an amazing boyfriend, and I am happy, truly, but I've always felt like a little part is missing. Because after all these years, I barely know how my sister is doing, and I haven't had an actual conversation with her since I was in university. So that is my greatest regret. Letting my relationship with my dad, ruin the one I wanted with my sister." Y/N had tears flowing down her face now, having put feelings she had buried deep down, into the words she never had the guts to say out loud. The interviewer was quiet for a moment before smiling softly, and speaking up. "Well we all appreciate you being honest with us, and not giving us some made up answer." "Thank you for creating an environment where I felt like I could show my true self." Y/N replied back wiping away her tears and putting a genuine smile on her face. "And hey, I'll have you know, you still didn't cry as much as Tom did. And he was just taking about The Lion King too. Anyway, that's all the time we've got, thank you so much for being here Y/N, we hope to have you back soon, and I know I can speak for everyone when I say we are all excited to see your new movie Moments!" While the interviewer did the usual sign off, Y/N gently took the headphones off her head, and got ready to leave, and get to the hotel for some well needed rest.


Y/N hadn't said a word on the way to the hotel, and as soon as they got in, she headed straight into the shower. Tom was getting a little worried, because her family had always been a touchy subject for her, and talking about it to a live audience couldn't have been easy. Tom just decided to sit and wait for her to get out of the shower, so that they could talk, knowing that she needed a little time for herself to think.

Y/N came out of the shower, with a robe wrapped around her body, and pieces of wet hair sticking to her face. Tom had changed into a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, and was looking at his phone. When he saw her come out, he put his phone down, and waited for Y/N to say something. Instead she just walked over to the bed, and wrapped herself in his arms, and face against his chest so she could hear the melody of his heartbeat. "Are you ok?" He softly asked. Y/N shifted her head up so she could see his face. Although her eyes were a bit glossy with unshed tears, she did have a smile on her face. Small, but genuine. "Weirdly enough, I am. For so long, I buried this feelings, not really expressing them, and when my dad died, I felt guilty for even having them in the first place. But it felt good to finally open up and let it all out." Tom smiled, and placed a tender kiss in her hair. "I love you, and I'm so proud of you baby." He said making sure she was looking up at him. "Really? You still love me with all my unresolved Daddy Issues?" Tom just smiled and shook his head, bringing her face up to giver her a real kiss. "I love everything about you."

A/N: So I was kind of really upset, so I kind of wrote down my feelings in a weird way because I didn't really know what else to do. I tried to add a little bit of fluff so it's not just Y/N and her "daddy issues." Sorry if it's bad, I just had to let everything out in a way.

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