Maybe You Were The One All Along- T.H.

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Warnings- A Little Angsty and Maybe Some Swears

It was his big day. The day he had been waiting for. The day everyone in his family was waiting for. So why didn't he feel happy? All he felt were nerves. A shit ton of nerves and not an ounce of happiness. What the hell was wrong with him? He was marrying the girl of his dreams, the love of his life. At least, he thought he was.

Tom took one last look in the mirror, making sure he looked presentable, and he plastered a smile on his face. It looked fake as hell, but people would just assume it's his nerves. And Tom truly thought that it was just that. That he was just feeling a little nervous. But somewhere deep down, he knew the real reason everything about this day felt off.

Tom walked down the isle a couple of minutes before the wedding was about to start. He bounced back and fourth, making Harrison smack him to stay still. That's when the music started. He waited patiently as the first bridesmaid made her way down the isle with a frilly purple full length dress that Emma had insisted on. Personally, he had like the baby blue dresses better, but you know what they say. A wedding is mostly about the bride. So, naturally, he got no say. Tapping his foot impatiently, he just wanted to get this over with and go home. Now that should have raised a million red flags in his head, but he just blamed it on the nerves. And then he saw her. She was absolutely gorgeous, even in that ugly, frilly dress. Walking gracefully down the isle, she took his breath away. Tom knows that sounds extremely cliche, but it was true. He actually forgot how to breathe for a second. When everyone got up, Tom realized that he couldn't keep staring at Y/N. He had to stare at his future wife. Turing his attention back to the isle, he saw her walk in slowly. She looked extremely happy and excited, and she walked gracefully towards Tom. Tom took this moment to take her in. She was dressed in an elegant mermaid cut dress, with a long veil, and her hair put up in a tight bun. She wore the necklace Tom had gotten her at their one year anniversary, and her mom's earrings that she absolutely adored.

When she stepped in front of him, he smiled at her and placed a swift kiss on her check. She beamed up at him. Then, something directly behind her caught his attention. Her beautiful curls that cascaded around her shoulders, and the lipstick that stained her soft lips. His heart couldn't help but flutter at the sight of her. Now that should have been a big red flag. But again, Tom brushes it off, moving his focus back to Emma.

After a long and particularly boring ceremony, they finally got to the "I do's." "Do you Emma, take thee Tom to be you lawfully wedded husband?" Emma let out a brilliant smile, looking back at Tom. "I do." She said. The officiator turned to him. "Do you Tom, take thee Emma to be your lawfully wedded wife?" And at that moment, it hit him like a fucking truck. Did he really want to marry Emma? Or did he have undeniable feelings for her best friend, that happened to be his as well. Y/N was the one who he wanted to be there for, through sickness and health. Y/N was the one he wanted to hold and never let go. Y/N was the one who he wanted a family with. If he couldn't even get Y/N's face out of his head, how the hell was he supposed to marry another girl? Emma was beautiful, sure. But Y/N was fucking gorgeous, and hadn't left his head since they met in kindergarten all those years ago. And that's when Tom knew. He knew what he had to do. He looked at Emma, who was completely oblivious to the heartbreak he was about to cause her. "I-I can't. I'm so sorry darling." And with that, Tom ran out of the church.

Emma stood there in shock, staring at the spot Tom had just been a few moments ago, with rapid tears rolling down her cheek. Y/N looked between her two best friends, and decided that she should probably go after Tom, and convince him to come back. Tell him that he was just nervous, and that everything is going to be ok. Giving Harrison the "I've got this" look, she swiftly ran after Tom. Y/N saw him running to the garden outside of the church, rapidly loosening the tie that was starting to choke him. He the middle of the garden, and took a seat on a bench near the statue of Jesus. He sat there and just stared. Even when Y/N sat down next to him, he didn't stop staring at the statue.

Y/N placed a hand on Tom's shoulder. "Hey, what happened? Why'd you run off?" Y/N asked softly. Tom was still staring at the statue, a million thoughts and regrets running through his head. "It was supposed to be you wasn't it?" He asked quietly. "Wh-what?" Y/N asked, not sure if she heard him right. Y/N fell in love with the boy years ago, but she had convinced herself to bury those feelings deep because he clearly didn't feel the same. So, she introduced him to one of her closest friends, and they hit it off immediately, ending up in the position they were now in.

Tom finally turned around to look at you. "I-I thought that Emma was it. That she was the one for me. But I realized that I'm not in love with her. I love her sure, but I'm just not in love with her."

"Maybe you were the one all along."

A/N: Sorry it's so crappy. Comment what you think and if you have any suggestions or ideas for new imagines. Also, did everyone cry as much as I did at the new avengers trailer. Like it breaks my heart every time, yet I can't stop watching it.

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