Please Don't Leave Me- T.H. (AU)

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Warnings: Angst, blood, guns, assault, curses, and probably more. This ones a heavier one guys.

Tom Holland. A name that strikes fear in anyone that hears it. A name no one even dared to utter, in the fear of him hearing them. After all, he was the notorious leader of the biggest mafia in London, possibly even the world. He held power like no other, but don't be fooled, he didn't let it consume him. He was a good leader. A fair one too, unless of course, you cross his lines. Then, well, you might as well wish you weren't born. He was everything his father wasn't, and with his best mate by his side, he was untouchable. But of course, everyone has a soft spot. Even Tom Holland. And his soft spot came in the form of his wife, Y/N Holland.

Even though she didn't grow up in the mob life, she still held an immense amount of respect from everyone, but especially in the mob community. She was smart, sassy, and didn't take anyone's shit, which is what got her on Tom's radar in the first place. He had gotten hurt one day, and it was so bad that he ended up in her hospital. Even in his half conscious state, he could see her breeze past the emergency room making sure everyone was ok and had everything they needed. She was so gentle to her patients, regardless of their age, and he could tell that she was well loved by everyone. That was until she got to Tom that is. One of his men had gotten pissed at the fact that she was tending to a kid with a broken bone, rather than Tom, who was losing a significant amount of blood. His guard had stormed up to her, and manhandled her a little bit, but she was not having it. Suddenly this sweet and caring woman had turned into a, for the lack of a better word, badass, and she completely told him off. She didn't seem to know who Tom was, nor did she care, and when she came to patch him up, she made sure he knew that. Even though she poured a little more alcohol on his would than necessary, or poked him a little too hard, he couldn't help but be attracted to her. He thought he never would be tied down to one woman for the rest of his life, and especially not at the ripe age of 25, but man she made him do crazy things, in the best way possible. Y/N was the only one who could get Tom on his knees and beg for forgiveness with one look, or instantly calm him down with a reassuring hand on his shoulder, something not even his life long best friend had figured out how to do. Y/N was Tom's world, and everyone knew it. Maybe that put a large target on her back, but then again, who would be dumb enough to mess with Tom Holland?

Y/N had been adamant on keeping her job, even though they definitely didn't need the significant pay check that came with her high status. She simply loved her job too much, and no matter how much Tom didn't like it, he knew that he couldn't keep her tied down in the house, so he hesitantly let her go, making sure to station a bodyguard at the hospital without her knowing. But even this extra precaution wasn't enough. Because one second she was helping a patient who supposedly had a huge wound she was yet to see, and the next, all she could see was black.

She woke up tied to a chair, and winced at the pounding in the head and in her stomach. She let out a slight groan and opened her eyes to see a dimly lit room, with nothing in it except her and the chair she was sitting on. Her wrists and ankles were bleeding from being tied too tight, and there was scratches and bruises littered all over her body. She tried wiggling out of them, but quickly stopped when the rope dug deeper into her wrists. Her shiny diamond ring was covered in blood, probably her own, and that's when she realized she was screwed. She wouldn't be getting out of this easily. Just as she was about to let her head down in defeat, a loud bang echoed around the room, and she looked up to see the man from the hospital in front on her, with a sinister smirk on his face. "Hey Princess." He said in a gruff voice, his smirk growing even wider. She quickly rolled her eyes at the nickname and dropped her eyes down to her lap. Suddenly she felt two fingers under her chin, lifting her face up to meet his eyes again. "Look at me when I'm talking to you princess." He mocked. "Don't fucking touch me." She spat at him. "Ou feisty, I like it. No wonder tommy boy likes you so much. And the face and body definitely helps I'm sure." He said, raking his eyes all over her body, and stopping a bit too long on her chest. She just cowered away from him in disgust. Meeting her eyes again he smiled, bringing his hands together in mock excitement. "Speaking of Tommy, let's give him a call shall we? Just to let him know where his girl is." He reached into the chest pocket of her scrubs where her phone was, hand lingering a little longer than needed with his signature smirk on his face. He unlocked her phone with her face before she could realize, and went straight to Tom's contact, chuckling at the picture she had of him. Tom immediately picked up, having been going out of his mind in worry, as she hadn't returned home last night.

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