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You woke up to the sunlight peaking through your curtains.

You dreaded getting out of bed. Dreaded talking to Cedric. Dreaded the tension between you and Tyler.

You sat up in your bed and rolled your eyes.

You looked around at the empty beds around you. Your last roommate ended up moving into another room and since you were a sixth year you convinced professor sprout to let you have the room to yourself.

You got dressed. You brushed and styled your hair. You did your makeup. Same as every other day.

You took a deep breath and walked out of your dorm. Luckily Tyler wasn't looming on the common room sofa like he usually is.

You couldn't deal with him right now. Atleast not first thing in the morning.

You walked out of the dorms and down the corridor.

You walked into the great hall. Before you could sit down you made eye contact with Cedric. He quickly got up and left his table. You followed after him.

"No Cedric wait-" You said trying to grab his arm.

He turns around. His hazel eyes as red as ever.

"What Effie? Are you gonna explain last night?" He said.

You stood there at a loss for words.

"What's going on with you Effie? You told me you were gonna stop seeing him and then I see you with his tongue down your throat!"

"Cedric I didn't mean to do that. It was a heat of the moment thing. I didn't even realize-" You said.

"No Effie please save it. Date him I don't care anymore. Get your heart broken" Cedric scoffed and rushed away.

"Ced come on-" You said.

He was gone.

You sighed. You put your thumb and pointer finger to rub your temple.

"What's up with him?" Tyler said stepping next to you.

"You have the worst timing." You say flatly.

"Well don't be too excited to see me" He chuckled to himself.

"I'm not in the mood for your sarcastic banter today." You said.

"Alright well what's wrong." He said.

You look around and grab him arm and drag him to a empty corridor.

"Why are you acting clueless? Cedric sent me there to tell you to stop talking to me and then you kissed me." You say.

He scoffs "Effie come on I wasn't the only one kissing, and you totally kissed me first!" He said.

You roll your eyes. "Alright look I don't know how but you have this effect on me. Like you intoxicate me to make bad decisions."

"What I'm a drug now? Please you have to be kidding me." Tyler said.

"Alright your not a drug but I just don't think it's the best idea for us to hang out together" You say.

"Why? Because Mr. Man says so? Your gonna let him control you?" He says.

"Why do you think everything is Cedric's decision? Sure he suggested it but I'm making the decision." You say and walk off.

"Wait Effie let's talk about this" Tyler says.


After classes you stopped by the kitchen for a biscuit.

You sipped your milk and finished your second chocolate biscuit.

"Hey" Cedric said softly.

"Here to yell at me again?" You say with a bit of a chuckle.

"No actually I'm here to apologise" He says.

"Go on" You say.

He sits down across from you.

"Look do what you want with whoever you want. I'm sorry for how I acted I know some people are so enticing. I went through that in 5th year.

"Yeah thanks. If I'm being honest it almost feels like- I don't know maybe I'm crazy but some sort of magic? Like he gives me bad vibes too but I can't help but be pulled into him" You say.

Cedric laughs "So your saying he's doing magic to keep you around? Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think you matter that much to him" Cedric says.

You laugh with him "Yeah I knew it was a stretch. Maybe I'm just desperate or in denial." You say.

Then there was an awkward pause.

"So when does training for the Tri-Wizard tournament start?" You ask.

"They basically told us we have to do it all on our own and either way I know a lot of good spells already so I'll probaly just work to make my defensive and offensive spells stronger and such" Cedric said.

There it was. That glint in his eyes when he talks about something he's proud of.


You woke up the next day and got ready. You woke up earlier than usual so you sat in the commons reading.


You jumped, looking up from your book seeing a familiar brunette.

"What do you want Tyler" You ask.

"Okay I'm here to apologise for being so defensive yesterday. I just get in a mindset and snap. If you don't want to hangout anymore I'm fine with that" He says.

You narrow your glare at him.

"Okay. Thanks" You say.

He walks out.

That was suspicious.

After another few minutes go by you leave to start your first class.

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