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You and Cedric fell asleep collapsed on the floor. You just enjoyed his embrace. Though you thought about alot. This was too difficult and weird. After all these years why now do you see him as more of a friend? What changed? He acts the same, yet you had to go and get a stupid crush. Okay but if I did just kinda snog him out of the blue what would he react like?

Well in the worst case he would reject you and ruin the friendship.

Wow thanks for the positivity brain!

Well to be fair it only could go two ways. One, he likes you back and you two live happily ever after. Second, he rejects you and the friendship is over.

Oh wow that's not bad at all! Great so I'm screwed. And what would my parents think? All the sudden my best friend who they treat like their own son is now my boyfriend? Yikes. I hate this all.

Okay enough talking to myself I need to get up.

You open your eyes and see Cedric is still sleeping. You slowly slide out from his reach and start walking out.

"Effie? Where are you going?" He says still half asleep.

"It's fine Cedric go back to sleep" You say and within a minute he's snoring again.

He looks good asleep.

You hesitate while studying his face.

You walk out of the closet. You walk back into the Hufflepuff common rooms and go to your room. You pull out a piece of parchment and a quill. You always do this. You write notes and letter to yourself I suppose. But this time a bit different. Since I can't talk to Cedric about my feelings I'll write to him. But of course not actually give him the letter. A bit cheesy I suppose but it makes me feel more secure about my feelings and a way to vent it out.

Dear Cedric

Well I never planned this but something about you. Your hair. Your eyes. The way you laugh. The way you talk. The way your face rests when you sleep. The way you always look out for me. The way your face lights up when you talk about quidditch or your future plans. I hope I'm in your future. I bet you've never even thought of me being in your future. Atleast not more than just a best friend. I'm sure sometime along a pretty girl just your type will come around and swipe you off your broom. I hope to be that girl.

Yours dearest Effie

Well that helped.

Did it?

I think so. I hope so.

You fold the parchment and put it in a envelope and grab an empty box.


You wrote on the box. You hid it under your bed. Well hopefully that's a good enough hiding spot. That would be detrimental if anyone found that.

You plop on your bed and figure you should go see if Cedric woke up.

You walk back thru the common room and out the kitchen to the closet. You open the door and he's still laying there.

You snuggle into him hoping you don't wake him. You tuck your head into his chest. You intake his scent. Very hmm like Cedric? I don't know it's hard to put a finger on it. Maybe hints of cinnamon and spices or maybe like fresh wood. You fall asleep. When you woke up you felt eyes staring at you. You pulled out of Cedric's chest and sure enough he was awake and staring at you.

"Um? Hi?" You giggled.

"Good morning" He said.

His voice was all raspy and deep from waking up.

"Morning although I think we slept through the morning" You say.

"Oh okay. Want to get Lunch after we get up?" He asked.

"Sure" You say.

Cedric gets up and stretches a little. He runs his hand through his golden brown locks.

"I need to change first though. You want to stop by the dorms first?" He asked.

"Oh yeah sure" You say.

You two walk out into the corridor and to the hufflepuff dorms. You guys finally make it. You see Lucas a 5th year on the couch.

"Where were you two? Actually I don't care. What were you two doing? You guys never came back to the dorms last night" Lucas smirked.

You scowled at him. Cedric didn't even pay attention to him. You guys walked up the boys side. Since Cedric was a prefect he has his own room. He walked in and you didn't know to walk in or not.

"Well come in loser" He said.

You laughed nervously and walked in.

For being friends this long we never actually hung out in each others rooms a lot. Mainly you guys hung out around the castle.

You looked around at the yellow, black, and wooden room. He has a pretty clean room. You look specifically at the little photo framed on his bed stand. It's a photo from the beginning of last year you guys took.

Wait that's so sweet. Does that make me the first thing he sees in the morning?

You put the photo down and look at Cedric. He is changing his shirt and you accidentally get a peak of his stomach. You see his toned abs. Probaly from playing quidditch.

Whatever. You quickly turn away realizing he saw you staring. He smirks. Your face burns.

"Looking at something?" He asked.

You roll your eyes "You wish!" You say.

See this was you guys' relationship. It was flirty but before it was all jokes but now your mind was whacked out. What if this whole time Cedric liked you? No way right?

"Alright ready to go down to lunch?"  He asked "actually I suppose you want to change"

He threw you one of his sweaters and a pair of leggings you must've left at his house this past summer. He always gave you sweatshirts to wear but you couldn't help but blush as you changed.

You guys walked down to lunch. You sat across from Lucas and Tessa another 5th year.

"See Tessa they didn't show up last night to the dorms. Soo what do you think they did?" He asked.

"No way Cedric didn't have the balls to ask her out yet" She said.

"Unless he just hit it without the dating" He said.

Cedric scowled at them. You tried not to but you blushed a little. Even though you wanted to punch Lucas atleast someone put the thought in his head but Cedric didn't look amused.

"Give it up. We are just friends and that's all we will ever be" He said.

You choked a bit on your food. That sentence took you aback. Like he was reading your mind. You starting shifting in your chair nervously.

"Um actually I've got to go finish a paper due soon" You said quickly and got up.

"Not what she thinks apparently" you heard Lucas say as you left.

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