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You were in your fourth class finishing up work when the bell rang. One last class till lunch.

This class had Tyler in it. Which he apologized so it should be fine.

As you walked to your class you let your mind wander. Mainly about what your gonna eat for lunch and maybe a bit about Cedric. With Tyler out of the way you could get back to how things were with Cedric.

You arrived at class and sat down. It was potions with ravenclaws. You sat down and tied your hair up into a messy bun then you pulled a few hairs out to frame your face.

You were early so you just doodled in a notebook of yours. A few other hufflepuffs came in and sat at your table.

Snape showed up dramatic as usual flaring his robes and telling you what page to turn to.

"Today we will be making the infamous Amortentia potion. All sixth years make it to show what potions you can brew after you take your N.E.W.T.S. in seventh year. Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" Professor Snape said.

Some Ravenclaw girl raised her hand and told him how it was the world's strongest love potion.

"Yes it is. But don't be fooled this potion is very dangerous and should not be consumed for it will make you dazed and make foolish sacrifices for the one you love." Professor Snape said.

Everyone didn't seem phased.

"Now onto the interesting part which I know you are all waiting for. Amortentia as a love potion smells different to everyone according to what they are attracted to. Before we start partnering up and brewing why doesn't everyone take a whiff? I'll put a little cauldron at each table." Professor Snape said.

The little round cauldron had circular swirls of purple coming up from it. It got passed around your little table of 4.

First you believe Jack was his name took a smell then he told us what it smelt like. Then these two girls who you didn't know smelled it and said what it smelled like.

Finally it got passed to you.

You leaned your head in and closed your eyes taking in the perfume.

It smelled amazing, like everything you ever wanted. To be more specific it smelled like morning dew, my mother's perfume, butterbeer, cedar wood, and cologne.

Basic I know butterbeer and cologne. Almost every girl smelt that.

Wait I'm getting a hint of almost inc, fresh snow, and earthy. This was weird.

"Alright has everyone got a turn to smell it?" the professor asked.

Everyone murmured 'yes'.

"Okay then we will get right into partnering up. I'm gonna do boy and girl and you'll be with your own house." the professor said.

He went through a bunch of names then you heard yours.

"Alright let's do Effie Green and Tyler Quill together..." the professor announced.

"You've got to be kidding me" You said under your breath.

You slowly get up and make your way to Tyler's table. You sit down and slump.

You raise your hand.

"Yes Ms. Green?" the professor said.

"Yeah um how long are we going to have these partners?" You ask.

"Ah good question you will be with these partners until Christmas break." the professor responds.

"Thanks" You say.

You sigh.

Cedric will be thrilled to hear this.

"Well looks like we will be forced to communicate for the next few months so why not be civil right?" Tyler says.

"Yeah whatever." You say.


"Seriously? You have to ask Snape to switch partners!" Cedric says biting on a carrot.

"I thought of that but I don't want to be a burden" You say scooping a spoonful of soup into your mouth.

"Effie" Cedric says.

"Okay! Okay I will ask him at the end of the day." You say.

"Good." Cedric says.

"But I'm not gonna be pushy so if he says no that's the answer!" You say.

He furrows his brows. "If he says no then I'll go talk to him"

"Yeah I'm sure that won't be needed Cedric but thanks"


You just walked out of your last class. You walk your way to the library. You had a test to study for and then study Amortentia so you wouldn't spend any extra time with Tyler.

You walked into the library full as ever.

Almost every student goes to the library after classes.

Including Tyler.

You see him sitting at a long table alone with a spread of books. You turn to the corner to find a nook to study in where he wouldn't find you.

You find a quiet little corner and put your stuff there.

You get up and go to the potions section looking for the Amortentia book.

You find a book called Mischief potions. Knowing infamous Amortentia and it's abilities it will be in here. As you go to grab the book your hand bumps into someone elses.


You two make quick eye contact.

He nervously laughs.

"Well well Effie" He says.

"Tyler" You say with little emotion.

"Look this shouldn't be awkward. How about we start over from the beginning." He says with a smirk.

You roll your tongue against your cheek.

"Fine" You say.

He smiles. "Hello I'm Tyler nice to meet ya!" He says holding out his hand.

You return the gesture. "I'm Effie".

"See easy as that!" Tyler says.

Yeah 'easy as that'. I have a feeling this will be a bit more complicated.



sorry this was a bit of a filler chapter.

the plot is about to thicken quite a bit and get more interesting so stick around!

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