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Classes were over and next was detention. Great. Your stomach was doing flips. Thinking about talking to Cedric made you want to die. You were so into your head you forgot what you were doing.

"Hey" a boy said.

You snapped up and looked.

"Oh hey newbie" You say.

"Are you okay? You look red" He said.

"Oh um I'm having a hot flash" You say.

"Ah okay. So can we have that tour now?" He asks.

"Um well I've got detention but I can show you some things on the way if you want?" You say.

"Oh sure" He says.

You guys start walking. It was nice to have someone besides you. He kept you out of your head.

"So I never caught your name yesterday" He said.

"And I never got yours" You say.

"That's not fair I asked first!" He said laughing.

"Alright well I'm Effie" You say.

"Oh that's a pretty name" He says.

"Yeah yeah now what's yours?" You say.

"Accept the complement sheesh woman" He says.

"Getting impatient. This tour could end here you know!" You tease.

"Alright alright my names Tyler" He says.

"Oh cool" You say.

"So what did you do to get detention?" He asks.

"Well I skipped class with my friend and was caught by a teacher" You say.

"Ohhhhh so you were caught hooking up?" He laughs.

You punch his shoulder. "Was not! In fact me and my friend were arguing." You say.

"Oh I'm sorry about that" He says softly.

"No it's fine it's my fault." You say.

"Wanna talk about it?" He says.

"As much as I would love to tell a stranger my problems this is the classroom for my detention" You say.

"We aren't really strangers" He winks at you and walks away.

You laugh. You walk into the room and it hits you again. Talking to Cedric.

Come on Effie this isn't that hard. He doesn't even know what he did! You've talked alone with him for years!

"Hey" Cedric said.

"Good" You say.

Dammit we are screwed.

"Sorry hi" You say.

He laughs "Why are you so nervous? I bet Snape won't even show" He says.

"Oh yeah true" You say playing it off.

"But I would still like to know what the hell is up with you" He says.

You sigh. "Nothing honestly let's just go back to normal".

"Yeah I want that too but you can't keep secrets from me that make you ignore me for a week" He says.

"Yeah yeah. Won't happen again" You say.

"Fine I guess that's good enough. But next time you have to tell me" He laughs.

You laugh. It's like the biggest weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You stomach is slowly untying itself.

"So who was the dude outside?" He asked.

"Oh some new kid. He's in Hufflepuff too" You say.

"Nice" He says "So why was he winking at you".

"You saw that?" You ask.

"Yeah now explain" He says.

"We met yesterday so stop whatever your thinking!" You say.

"Okay but if he breaks your heart tell me so I can beat him up" He jokes.

You roll your eyes. You guys just joke around and get little to no work done. A few hours later Snape comes in.

"You may leave. Sorry I wasn't here I had other duties" He says.

You pack up your things. You look over to Cedric to see he's holding in a laugh.

Childish much?

You guys walk out.

"So are you busy tonight?" He asks.

"Well I have a test tomorrow but I can always cheat" You laugh.

"Cool wanna hangout?" He asks.

"Sure" You say.

You guys walk around the castle. You guys sit in the kitchen and have icecream. You guys dance in the empty corridors. You knew this wasn't a date but it was progress.

You finally ended the night going to the Hufflepuff common room just sitting on the couches laughing.

"Alright I'm tired see you in the morning" He says.

"Night" You say.

You yawn and decide to go upstairs too. You change into a pair of gray sweatpants and a white crop top. You go to lay on your bed but see a note.


Met me at the astronomy tower at 11


Weird. What could he want at 11? You look at your clock. 10:45. You quick grab your robes and sneak out. You walk up to the tower and climb the stairs for what feels like an hour. You get up there to see a dark figure. He turns around.

"One minute late" He smirks.

"Whatever what do you want?" You ask.

"To talk" He says.

You raise an eyebrow "At 11? What could you possibly want to talk about?".

"I don't know I'm bored. How was detention" He asks.

You sigh "it was good actually" You smile at the thought of Cedric.

"Oh so that's what the fight was about" He says.

You smile wiped off your face. "What?".

"You have a crush" He says.

"Do not!" You say.

"No no you totally do" He says.

You just sit there.

"So how long have you guys been friends".

"Since forever but this year was the first year I've had a um you know" You say not even wanting to admit your crush.

"Ahh so I was right after all" He said.

"I swear if you tell a single soul I will murder you" You say.

"I won't well unless I need blackmail" He said.

You glare at him.

"Joking! Joking" He said.

You guys hung out until 12:30 you were super tired.

"I think I'm gonna go to the dorms" You say.

"Well let me walk you silly we are both hufflepuffs" He says.

"Oh yeah" You say laughing nervously.

You too walk to the dorms. You hug him goodbye and go up to your dorm. You wipe off your makeup and brush your teeth. You go to bed thinking of Cedric.

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