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You haven't talked to Cedric in a few days. After what he said and you running off your dreading the moment. Everytime you see him in the halls you head the opposite direction. You knew he would see you sooner or later but you hoped for later. You had been sitting at the Gryffindor table with 'Mione and her friends. You skipped every class with Cedric in it. You even didn't go in the Hufflepuff common rooms until you knew he was asleep. It was lonely but you just had no idea what to tell Cedric.

You were walking to lunch when he had finally caught up. You saw him but you walked past with your head down and thought he didn't see you.

"Effie wait please" He says but you ignore him "Effie!" He says. He grabs your wrists and drags you into a empty classroom.

"Effie tell me what the merlin is going on with you! Why won't you talk to me?" He said.

You just stood there dumbfounded because you had no idea what to say.

"What's going on with you woman!" He says a bit angrier now.

You kept your eyes on the floor. "Nothing" you managed to peep out.

"Oh really? It seems like hell of a lot more than nothing" He says sarcastically.

You bit your lip.

"I'm sick of you not letting me in! I'm supposed to be your bestfriend." He says lifting your chin up to look at him. "Just tell me was it something I said? Is this about what Justin said?".

You can't handle this. Without even thinking your stomach does a flip. Why does he have to be so attractive sometimes.

"I'm sorry I just-" You say but couldn't finish.

"You what?" He says.

"I can't. Not this time. This year is just different. I don't know. Just leave me alone. I'm an idiot" You say.

You swiftly walk out but when you open the door you walk straight into a wall.

Wait I walked through a door. Why is there a wall here? What is this? Wait.

You look up to see a greasy black haired man. Snape.

"Detention.... Both of you." He says with his weird smooth deep voice.

"Yes professor" You say and rush past him.

You speed walk to your dorm. You open your door and close it behind you. You let out a sigh you didn't even know you were holding. You suddenly had a hot flash. You threw on a pair of short shorts and a crop top. You decided you weren't going to finish classes. For all they know you were sick.

This is such a mess. Over a stupid boy.

Since everyone had classes you went into the common room and sat on the couch. You looked at the plants soaked in the sunlight. You loved the common room. It was so bright but so calming. The plants made it beautiful and the air was always clean. You laid back and opened your book. You decided to do some reading.

"She hadn't the air of a woman whose life had been touched by uncertainty or suffering. Pain, fear, and grief were things that left their mark on people. Even love, that exquisite torturing emotion, left its subtle traces on the countenance"

You read but were interrupted quickly by who your assuming is a new kid.

"Hey" The mysterious person said. Clearly a male by his voice.

You turned around to see a boy with brown hair. Ruffled and messy. He's quite tall too.

"Um do you know where the boys dorms are? I just got here." He said.

"Oh yeah um up those stairs." You say

Suspicious a new kid in your house that you haven't heard of? I guess it's been overlooked by the Tri-Wizard Tournament. You stand up to show him and realize he's looking you up and down. You furrow your eyebrows until you look down and remember what your wearing. You quickly grab a blanket from the couch and wrap it around you. You show him the staircase and awkwardly walk away.

"Hey um since I don't really know anyone here could you maybe show me around?" He asks.

"Um sure" You reply quickly desperately to get away to change.

"Alright cool see you around" He says.

You go up to your bedroom and change into a pair of ripped jeans and a white graphic tee. You looked at your planner and saw what day it was.

Shit! Tomorrow is Thursday. The picking of the Tri-Wizard Tournament I've got to talk to Cedric. Dammit

You go to the rest of your classes but you didn't pay attention you thought up a plan to talk to him in detention. Your stomach eats you the whole day thinking about it though.

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