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Your eyes flutter open. You yawn. You get ready and head out of your dorm. You walk down to the commons. You see the new kid on the couch.

"Goodmorning Darling" He chimes.

"Morning" You say a bit confused.

"What is that too much?" He says.

"No it's fine" You say.

A boy has never called you darling. Not even Cedric. You liked it. It made you happy. It made you feel like you were loved.

It was just words.

But I felt something. Something odd.

"Wanna walk to breakfast together?" He asks.

"Hm sure" You say.

He gets up and you two walk out. You guys are walking.

"I wonder where Cedric is" You say.

"Yeah I haven't seen him" Tyler says.

You guys continue down to the great hall. You guys sit down at the Hufflepuff table. You look around for Cedric but still no sign of him anywhere. You start putting a waffle on your plate when Tyler snakes his arm around your waist.

"What are you-" You say and see Cedric "What are you doing!"

"Just go with it" Tyler says.

Cedric sits down across from you too.

"Good morning Effie" Cedric says putting a pancake on his plate.

"Morning" You say with a smile.

"So I must know your name if your gonna date my Effie" Cedric laughs.

"Cedric! We aren't dating and ew you sound like my dad or something" You say flustered.

"Woah Effie no need to get all defensive" He says chuckling.

You shove the waffle down your throat.

"I'm gonna go to class" You mutter.

You walk off to a hallway. Classes didn't start for another 15 minutes. This just felt wrong. It wasn't you.

"Hey are you okay?" Tyler says "I was just trying to help you make Cedric jealous I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Really?" You say.

"Yeah sorry I should've explained before I did it. I just wanted Cedric to know he needs to make a move quick because he's got competition" He says.

"It didn't work. Clearly he's rooting for us now." You say.

"Eh I'd say differently when you left he pulled me by the tie and said that we were moving to fast and if I hurt you in any way I would get ripped to pieces. Bloody good actor that boy is around you" Tyler says.

"He really said that?" You say looking up to Tyler into his brown eyes.

"Yes he did" Tyler says grabbing my hands "Now pull yourself together so Cedric doesn't think anything is up"

"Don't have to tell me twice" You say.

Did Cedric really care for me like that? I mean we are best friends. Maybe it's just him looking out for me.

I can't help but think about how in 4th year he never acted like that with Fred Weasley.

But hey maybe it's because he trusted Fred.

"Want to walk to class love?" Tyler asked.

"Sure" You said.

You guys walked to class. It was potions. It had Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs in it. You and Tyler walked in and sat down. After a few minutes Cedric and his friends walked in and sat down. Half the class had gone by until you felt a piece of parchment hit your head. You pick it up.


Gryffindors are holding a party tonight. You are invited you can bring your friends too. Spread the word to the other Hufflepuffs


A party?


A party? Really
I don't know...


You threw it to him.

He read it and rolled his eyes.

He started writing. He folded the paper and gently threw it to you.

You unfolded it.


Come on have some fun!


You looked at him.

He raised his eyebrows like 'eh? Come on'.

You mouthed 'fine' to him.

He light up at that.

*after classes*

You were walking out of your last class to the Hufflepuff commons to finish up homework and change when suddenly.

"Hey" George said.

"Are you coming tonight?" Fred said.

They both stuck to each of your sides.

You sigh "yes I am".

"Great" They both grinned.

"See you tonight" George winked.

You scoffed "Yep".

They walked off.

"What did they want?" Tyler said walking where Fred was.

"A party. Hufflepuff is invited" You say.

"Oh nice" He said.

"Yeah" You said.

You guys chatted and walked to the Hufflepuff commons. You guys arrived and went and sat on a couch.

"So what do you have to work on?" Tyler asked.

"A potions paper and a herbology study. How about you?" You say.

"Yeah I've got a herbology study and a care of magical creatures paper" He said.

"Ah nice" You said.

You two got your work done and started goofing off.

"Hey lovebugs" Cedric said.

Your smile wiped off your face.

Tyler isn't the one I want.

"Hi" Tyler said straightening up.

"Hey" You said doing an awkward smile.

"I heard about the Gryffindor commons party. Are you two going?" Cedric asked.

"Yes, are you?" You said eyeing Cedric.

"Of course I would never turn down a party!" He said.

"Just remember we have school tomorrow so don't get drunk like you did on New Year's" You giggled.

"I won't" Cedric smiled at you.

"So how about that whole Tri-Wizard picking?" Tyler says.

"Yeah! That's insane Cedric! I'm so proud of you" You say.

He turns a shade of pink. "Yeah my dad was stoked that I got picked"

"That's great! I'm sure you'll do amazing" You say.

"Alright well let's finish up and then get ready for the party!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Sounds good" Cedric said.

"Sounds good." I smiled.

I'll love you forever. that's the problem. Where stories live. Discover now