chapter 5 | fouetté

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 You walk alongside Megan quietly, hands picking at the strap of your messenger bag strapped along your shoulder

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You walk alongside Megan quietly, hands picking at the strap of your messenger bag strapped along your shoulder. Megan wears a light grin as she strolls next to you, hands clutching both of her backpack straps. Your feet scrape the concrete of the entrance to your college as you stalk forwards, posture comfortably slouched. It's just another boring day — or at least that's what it would seem to the average outsider.

Your mind is a blizzard of thoughts and inquiries about none other than the moon himself, and to replicate these thoughts in text would probably amount to an entire series of books that no man could ever finish. To put it simply, you understood him, but not enough.

Megan makes a dramatic kick at the ground, sighing, but oddly still appearing happy when you glance to her. Even when your attention went to something else, you still had endless thoughts.

"I felt like I didn't get to know that Min Yoongi guy at that coffee date two days ago. He's very reserved," she says whilst turning her backpack around to her frontside and reaching into it. Megan pulls out a pack of gum, sliding out a piece and gesturing to you. "But oh well. Gum for your thoughts?"

She hadn't even looked at you and somehow knows you're overthinking again.

"Sure, thanks," you mutter, sliding out a piece of your own and simultaneously popping it into your mouth with Meg. "I don't want to tell you something you won't care about, though."

Megan chuckles, and you look at her in very obvious surprise, mostly because she laughed. She's a very strange chapter indeed, but you don't know what you would do without her. She is one of the only people you know after all.

"Don't say stuff like that, (Y/N)! Of course I care," she shakes her head softly. "And I only asked because it would be kind of odd if I out-of-the-blue told you that I know you're thinking about him."

Taken aback, you gape at her. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Not really actually. I just know these kinds of things, especially when it comes to the people I love," she shrugs, simpering tenderly. "My grandmother always said that my intuition came from above — like a big star in the sky."

You raise your eyebrows subconsciously as your head drifts back forward at the autumn trees ahead, observing each brittle leaf as they fell graciously to the ground below. "Like the sun?"

Appearing nostalgic, she replies fondly. "Yeah, yeah, like the sun."

She shakes her head, a leaf falling past her head, a soft drifting as it flew left from right until it eventually lay in the ground serenely. "Anyway, what's on your mind?"

Unbeknownst to you, your shoulders shrug upwards as you respond with slight hesitation.

"The moon's on my mind. I wish to know more about him," you convey to Megan, feeling like maybe you can open up to her despite your worries a few days ago. Your hands make their way to the pockets of your distressed beryl jeans, flannel shifting a bit forward as your hands tuck into the material. "He showed up on my balcony about four days ago, and I only know the technical stuff about him, like how his soul is able to be here and stuff."

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now