chapter 21 | beyond the scene

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 "Yesterday was a disaster

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"Yesterday was a disaster."

Megan sighs beside you, knee propped up on the bench as she pokes at her salad with her fork. Chewing the inside of your cheek, you stare at your lunch in thought, the burritos laying golden and delicious on your plate, yet you have no appetite for them.

Megan notices your expression, and leans forward, placing her feet against the campus ground as she stares at you.

"I couldn't even go ten minutes without crying into Yoongi's arms," you mumble in annoyance, remembering the Halloween party. Megan shakes her head while tapping her Air Force 1s against the ground in thought.

"I can't believe the sun, the moon, Mars, and Venus were all in the same room," she says in amazement of what you had explained to her just a couple of minutes before. "And they talked to you."

Noticing your pale face, Megan stutters apologetically.

"S- Sorry. I guess I'm still amazed that we're best friends with the sun and the moon," she says, staring at the crumpled leaves scattered across the ground. She's absolutely right, and to be honest, you feel the same way. This past month, you've never been able to get used to it, yet it never mattered to you until recently. It's like you've been in your own world all of October with only Yoongi in it, and just now, your beginning to get grounded.

"No, no, it's okay," you sit up, head turning to meet eyes with Megan. Her freckles appear golden under the dim autumn sunlight, her auburn hair thrown into a messy ponytail. "I've just now started to become more aware of who we're dealing with here."

There's a stillness for a moment, but Megan speaks up after seemingly considering something.

"You.. you're different, (Y/N)," she says, brows furrowed as she leans into you. Surprised, you lean back, confusion overtaking you at her words.

"I'm.. different?"

"Since you met Yoongi, yes," Meg proposes, and your mind jumps to conclusions at the idea. 'What is she talking about?'

"Um, Meg, last I checked, I still freak out when too many people are around and cry just about every night," you chuckle, but Megan doesn't laugh. You don't say anything after that, allowing her to continue speaking.

"First of all, us," she says, and you get the strong feeling she's about to list off different ways you've 'changed.' "We're different. Together, I mean."

You're left speechless, slowly coming to an epiphany of how right she is about this. 'We are different. I'm not as shy around her.'

As if reading your mind, Megan goes on. "You're not as quiet around me."

"Are you complaining?" you laugh hesitantly, realizing she's right but unsure of how to react to it. You have changed in ways since Yoongi got here. Megan has as well, or at least, she has since meeting Hoseok.

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now