chapter 13 | cat-eyes

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 "She invited you to her house?"

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"She invited you to her house?"

Yoongi gives you a blank look, speaking with barely a hint of surprise in his tone. It's the next day, and school is already over with. Megan didn't talk to you that much today, but just before you were about to head home, she asked you and Hoseok to come over to help her talk to her parents.

"But Meg," you said quietly, mindful of the students walking close by. They alone made your heart race, but at the news your best friend had given you, it shocked you even more. "Didn't you say your parents didn't want me to come over?"

Megan pursed her lips in exasperation, and you recall the fed-up look on her sharp features. Naturally sun-kissed freckles adorning her cheeks, you observed her annoyed figure. "Well, to be honest, I don't give a shit about what they have to say anymore. I need to convince them not to..—"

She had cut herself off abruptly, causing both of your eyebrows to raise as you immediately comment.

"Meg," you say, like an older sister scolding her younger siblings. "Convince them not to what?"

The usually-energetic girl shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Really," she had began, looking to you with such a serious expression that it had caught you off guard. "It's so bad that they deserve to tell you themselves. That's why I need you to go against them and convince them otherwise with Hoseok and me."

"Yup," you plop down on your bed, not bothering to slip off your now slightly beat-up black Converse highs. Your college-themed lanyard jingles as you lay down, remembering how Megan begged you to get one a few days after Yoongi showed up. You sigh. 'She is really convincing.'

You curse yourself for the current circumstance. If not for your extreme concern for whatever Megan's parents are trying to do, you would be over the moon (literally) about the kiss you and Yoongi shared last night. You were on cloud nine, and you forgot about all of this trouble during the whole thing.

And that's not to mention the collaboration coming up in about two weeks. Yoongi hasn't said anything about it, but you're sure he'll help you once you get over this obstacle first. To be fair, you've been so worked up over Megan that you haven't even had time to think about the event.

"What time is she having you and Hoseok to arrive?" Yoongi asks, waving his hand around in the air to form something from moon dust beneath his feet. You notice his striped fuzzy socks out of the corner of your eye. You've never had to go on a shopping spree for clothes for him to wear, since he can just materialize them on his body himself, but you thought it would be a cute thing to get for him as a gift.

You raise up, suddenly seeing the dust cloud floating ever-so-slightly above the hardwood, the bed squeaking as you do so. "What the hell.."

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now