chapter 12 | dancing in the rain

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 "I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry."

Your tired voice comes out in a weak whisper, blanket coating your body as you try to ignore your pounding head. Yoongi, walking around the kitchen with a teapot in hand, makes his way to you in the living room. Looking at you thoughtfully, he pours the steaming hot brown tea carefully in the teacup laying on the coffee table in front of you.

"It's not your fault," Yoongi hums, and his tone reminds you nostalgically of your mother. "Anxiety attacks aren't exactly preventable in every situation."

"No, that's.." you intervene, hand running through your (H/C) hair. "I'm sorry for hurting you."

Yoongi perks up, teapot lifting as he finishes pouring your tea. You stare at the steam emitting from it blankly, too far into a pit of guilt to look at him. Despite the flickering pumpkin spice candles in the background and the typically cozy white blanket around your arms, you feel clammy and cold. You're sure it stems from your anxiousness and remorse.

"Who said you hurt me?" Yoongi says quietly, standing up straight from his previous bent position and sauntering back to the kitchen to do away with the teapot. His ashy, silvery hair is unkempt, black t-shirt falling carelessly along his chest and shoulders. His posture is perfect, contradicting his lazy figure. Somehow, just by the way he walks, you can tell he's of some sort of royalty.

"I.." You say, tears collecting in your eyes at the thought. "I lashed out at you."

Yoongi finishes his business in the kitchen, strolling over to you just to sit down on the couch next to you. "I'm was surprised, but not hurt. I understood why you did so then and I understand now."

"You do?" you croak, hands clenching around the blanket. Yoongi nods.

"(Y/N)," he whispers, hand gently going up to your forearm. Meeting eyes with him, tears slip freely out of your eyes. "I promise you, it's not a big deal."

"It is to me," you say, heart hurting at the sight of him. For you, the thought of even bothering somebody or adding an inconvenience to their day sends you over the edge. You can't handle being a bother or a burden.

"I know, I know, and I understand that," Yoongi replies with soft haste. You and he are silent for a moment when he suddenly stands up, his gaze filled with an odd intensity. "Come with me."

You stop for a second, confused, but as soon as you look into his eyes, that's all it takes for your unbreakable trust to resurface. You nod, and as soon as you join his standing position he grabs your hand. A flicker of a flame, a flicker of a smile, as he leads you upstairs. You look at him in wonder, for a second forgetting your overthinking and dread.

The stairs creak with sweet agony as he takes you into your room. Your eyes dart all over the familiar room, and then to his back turned to you. The glass sliding door to the balcony lay in front of the two of you, the stars, although slightly covered by the ghostly clouds, appearing as a sort of aurora. You gasp silently, the tears drying on your cheeks.

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