chapter 11 | anxiety

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 Clouds gather heavily in the pale sky, blocking out the dim sun as you readjust your Nirvana band tee with a huff

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Clouds gather heavily in the pale sky, blocking out the dim sun as you readjust your Nirvana band tee with a huff. You wear a leather jacket around your shoulders, arms pulled out and wrapping around one other as you give the occasional shiver. Converses tapping on the sidewalk as you approach the karaoke place, Yoongi halts beside of you just as you near the front door.

"You didn't have to put your jacket around me, y'know," you suppress a chuckle. "I wasn't that cold."

"Looked like it to me," Yoongi says, seemingly bored as his irises flash around the neon sign, which flickers colorfully in the dull evening sunlight. Reading "Kari's Karaoke" with a neon cerulean border surrounding the magenta text, the sign leads him to wonder if this "Kari" lady really exists.

You recall being a little flustered when he offered your jacket, the very normal gentlemanly action catching you off guard. Even if Yoongi generally seems careless, he's surprisingly polite.

"Um, let's just go in, yeah?" You mutter, averting any eye contact with Yoongi. It's hard for you to look at him without melting under his gaze.

Taking the initiative, you walk in with your heart jumping at the sight of somebody at the front desk, the bell above the door giving an groaning ding as Yoongi and you do so. Managing to offer the stranger an affable smile of greeting, you quickly look away from him just as you did. Yoongi walks up to the desk as you stand stiffly behind him.

"Here for a get together with a woman named Megan Adams," he states plainly. "She may have mentioned a Min Yoongi and a Lee (Y/N)?"

The young man, looking to be in his early 20s, nods to Yoongi, unable to keep is eyes off your figure.

"I, uh, I'll check," the desk guy says, eyes meeting yours as he speaks. Weirded out, you just bore your gaze away, almost afraid at constant glancing. As he bends down to look for something, he speaks once more.

"Here with your girl tonight?" he says casually, starting conversation. Yoongi gives him a blank stare.

"No," he states, and your heart drops. Hearing Yoongi say anything remotely close to rejection pains you to a point you can't even comprehend.

The man comes back up from under the desk with a sheet of paper. From your position behind Yoongi, you can only see today's date scribbled in bad handwriting at the top. 'He must've wrote down the names of everyone invited.'

"So, you won't mind if I uh," the man smoothly states, confidence evident in his personality as Yoongi gives him an intimidating, yet stoic glare as he says his next words. "Get her number?"

There's a tense silence as the guy smirks, not even trying to hide his prying eyes staring at your chest. This causes your folded arms to squeeze tighter around said area in disgust. Queasiness swishes in your stomach, internally begging Yoongi to say something, anything, to defend you.

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