chapter 23 | pillow fight

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 The night the competition had ended, Megan, you, and The Seven Celestial Sentiments all gathered at Starbucks to celebrate

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The night the competition had ended, Megan, you, and The Seven Celestial Sentiments all gathered at Starbucks to celebrate. You hadn't necessarily won anything yet, but, in the words of Jimin, your and Yoongi's performance had apparently been the best one of the night. Your mother and Megan's parents, who you ensured to bid a long farewell, took their way back to their respective homes.

You got to know the Sentiments a little better, and even discovered that Jungkook wasn't as cold as you first suspected — in fact, despite being standoffish at the beginning, he and you plunged into conversation about 90s video games.

Namjoon was particularly one of your favorites (aside from Yoongi, of course), as you managed to uphold an intellectual conversation about The Great Gatsby for a good few minutes. He seemed to have a knack for reading all sort of books all throughout time.

Seokjin, who you discovered enjoyed painting and all types of art, would pipe in on your and Jungkook's conversation, and you assumed he also was very interested in video games. You wondered if they play them together.

That night, like Seokjin, Taehyung spoke passionately about art in all of its forms, even dancing. He complimented your craft in flirtatious manners that caused Yoongi to roll his eyes continuously.

Apart from that, you learned Jimin had been dancing for centuries and was basically the greatest performer of all time. He gave you some tips on how to improve and was very kind in his tone. You and him really hit it off.

You doubt you'll see much of them again, but after the day had ended, you hoped you would.

"Can't believe Hoseok was also a prestigious dancer," Megan drones on as she sits on the petite Starbucks black chair. With one of her legs kicked up on the seat lazily, she sloshes around her iced pumpkin spice latte, sipping it on occasion. "Jimin even said Hoseok taught him all he knows!"

"I know," you laugh, holding your freshly hot caramel macchiato in both hands. "He even said he was a pretty strict teacher, too."

Megan simply chuckles, looking off to the side through the window. The two of you, on November 1st, day after the competition, decided to go to Starbucks once more to get your everyday coffee. You await the results anxiously, but know that they'll likely take days to produce. Taking a long sip of your warm beverage, you follow Megan's gaze. 'I only hope I did as well as everyone said.'

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you speak up, your running thoughts taking their way out.

"How did everything change in just a month?" You say, and Megan turns her head to you. "At the beginning of October, I was, well, y'know, me. And-"

"And now we know the moon," Meg says, finishing your sentence in just above a whisper. Grinning widely, she tilts her head jokingly as she begins to list. "And the sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn.."

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