chapter 6 | autumn leaves

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 The wind whooshes with a silky whisper, blowing meticulously through each delicate strand of your (H/C) hair, each strand following the wind in a careful flow while cradling itself deep into the individual root in the process

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The wind whooshes with a silky whisper, blowing meticulously through each delicate strand of your (H/C) hair, each strand following the wind in a careful flow while cradling itself deep into the individual root in the process. The warm cup of Starbucks coffee stays clutched around your slim fingers, both hands holding the object as if it were shelter from the chilly October breeze.

Yoongi sits beside you, doing the same, and you spare him a glance, absorbing the sight of his charming gaze as his eyes lay ahead to the stone-brick like campus ground. While looking, you notice how normal he looks — peaceful, even. It's unexplainable. This.. new, sudden emotion you have so magnificently developed.

You've had crushes before. Who hasn't? But, being the shy, introverted girl you are, you never took the chase to mingle with any of those you wished to court. Your mind had decided to swarm itself with a storm of worries, dismissing any emotion your heart drove you to pursue and instead burying deep, deep down into the abyss of your soul.

It's as if now, all of those feelings from before that had succumbed into that void have been brought out once more, taking the shape of a booming, dazzling firework of desire for Min Yoongi.

'But that wouldn't be it, right? I've known this guy for only a week and a half. I shouldn't be so sure of myself now.'

"Your college campus is quite the sight for sore eyes, (Y/N)," Yoongi says in his classic monotonous tone, but one thing does catch your attention in particular about his statement — the way your name rolled off his tongue, most definitely in a sense he had never said anyone elses before.

"I guess so. I walk through here every day with Meg to my classes. She mostly does all of the talking, so I do typically allow myself to take in nature's gift of autumn," you reply calmly, focusing on not giving your internal emotions permission to alter your speech like it has many times before. "October is my favorite month of the year."

Yoongi looks at you, savoring the gleam in your eye whilst dreaming of one of the things that you love the most — autumn.

You smile. "I love Mother Nature's color palette for this month. Such a splendid selection of tones for such an equally splendid season —" you then turn your sight from the hues in front of you to Yoongi. "— I especially love the leaves."

Over the past week, you've lost the sense of intimidation that arises every now and then when you're with Yoongi, and now you try to doubt your new feelings for him a little less. You're thankful that your mind's giving you a break.

"Why?" Inquires Yoongi simply, wrapping his arms around one of his legs as he sits on the wooden bench. He feels a sudden flow of curiosity surge through him, like when he first tried coffee for the first time. But it opposed average curiosity. No — this was curiosity about the passions and likes of another being, no matter how silly it may seem.

  "Well," you hop up from the bench, Yoongi's eyes trailing your form as you strut over to a miniscule pile of autumn leaves on the ground. There's a scarce amount of people walking by at Gwangju University, not worried or concerned about what you're up to.

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