chapter 8 | talk to me

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 The amble drift of footsteps sounds throughout the autumn air of your college campus as you walk in between Meg and Yoongi, Yoongi quietly sneaking glances at you as you and Megan converse with amusement

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The amble drift of footsteps sounds throughout the autumn air of your college campus as you walk in between Meg and Yoongi, Yoongi quietly sneaking glances at you as you and Megan converse with amusement.

"Listen, (Y/N)," Meg laughs out. "All I'm saying is that whenever you go to Starbucks, you order the same shit over and over again! I swear to God the barista at the desk doesn't even have to hear you say your order to already know what it's gonna be."

Knowing she was absolutely correct, you just shake your head and chuckle. "Hey! Caramel macchiatos are just that good. Nothing wrong with wanting to have them, like, 24/7."

Yoongi was serene, observing your joyful figure with few peeks as he relishes in the chilled breeze. In that moment, listening to the way you talk to Megan, he feels a sense of pride at how far you've come. After all, he's been watching over you since the day you were born.

You've always meant something to him, and he's always been wondrous about it.

"Tell her Yoongs!" Yoongi perks up at the sound of his new nickname, seeing Megan giggling, you meanwhile emitting a gentle feel of happy relaxation at the sight of his breathtaking pale-blue irises and glowing freckles. You had just recently discovered that his abnormal appearance is apparently only visible to the people he allows.

"Yoongs?" Yoongi murmurs, and Meg nods comically. He says nothing, amused by Megan's tendencies.

From there, the original feeling dies down, a subtle hush overcoming you all. Yoongi thinks about nothing in particular, maybe the few stray thoughts and wonders about you, though.

After about two minutes just walking through the large campus, Yoongi notices a feeling creeping up on him, and his empathetic nature starts to come into play.

'Something's off..' He thought monotonously, concerned, but unnoticeable to you or Megan. He knows the conflict doesn't reside with you, because ever since that moment with he and you in the dance studio, it seems, ironically, you've been over the moon.

Even after so many years of watching over you, he's never seen you be at so much peace with yourself. He wonders if it's because of him coexisting with you. Not having it in him to call himself egotistical at the consideration, he confirms it in his own mind. He realizes that if he's brought you serenity your whole life simply from just looking at his planet form in the sky, he being a physical companion to you would cause you to be overjoyed.

He can still tell that you're your normal, anxious and shy self, just more at calm with it all. A weird feeling dances in his stomach at the cogitation of himself being the reason.

No, the internal conflict isn't entirely within you this time. On the other hand, it resides within the best friend, Megan Adams.

Your intuition is edging you to realize this, Yoongi notices, but you mention nothing to her, possibly because she's already confided in you and mentioned something about it, or just because you aren't sure what to say at the hand of her issues. Likely, it's both.

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now