chapter 18 | moonchild

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 "Oh, come on, (N/N)!" Megan whines as she strolls next to you on the Gwangju Univeristy campus

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"Oh, come on, (N/N)!" Megan whines as she strolls next to you on the Gwangju Univeristy campus. "It's a great idea!"

"Meg, it's your idea," you chuckle, eyes looming around the figures of tacky blue fliers about the upcoming contest. Some banners are hang around entrances and gates, rippling quietly in the autumn wind. The students conversing about them are the opposite, all loud and thrilled to watch the competition in just two days.

"Well, maybe, but it'll take some stress off for the contest!" she suggests, and you gulp at the sound of the contest. Feeling a surge of anxiety, Megan quick notices your pale expression and interjects.

"(Y/N), I know it's hard," she begins, a motherly tone to her voice. You just stare forward, black Converse high tops tapping against the concrete. Apricot, yellow, and faded chartreuse leaves crunch under the both of your feet as you walk, your hand clutching tightly onto your brown messenger bag. "But you needn't stress about the competition before it's even started — save that for competition day."

Chewing on the inside of your cheek and loosening your grip on the strap of your book bag, you reluctantly nod. "You're right.. but it's just.. difficult."

"I can understand that."

A deep, cheery voice almost causes you to jump ten feet in the air, and you yelp softly. Wide eyed, you glance to your left, seeing a certain tangerine-haired boy grinning a classic heart-shaped grin. The freckle above his eyebrow glimmers in the sunlight.

"Hoseok.. you scared the shit out of me," you say, rushed as Megan laughs to your right. Whipping your head around to her, you add on to your comment.

"You didn't seem very frightened," you mutter in observation and she smiles.

"I don't get frightened when he materializes — not anymore, at least," she explains, glancing to Hoseok with a toothy grin. "I'm used to it."

Surprise dispersing and a foreign sense of amused confidence bubbling up, you smirk at her comment. "Are you used to the red-faced swooning yet?"

She blushes and looks away.

"Yoongi was a lot like you, as I'm sure you know," Hoseok ignores your comment and speaks up as you turn to him, your smug look fading. "Felt anxious about everything. Hell, you could've told him he'll have bad luck for seven years after breaking a mirror and he'd go ballistic."

"Is that just an example or..?" you quirk a brow upwards and Hoseok's grin widens.

"It happened," he turns to look at you with a discreet joking whisper. "But you didn't hear that from me."

You allow yourself to giggle, feeling a bit more lighthearted at the thought of Yoongi freaking out over something so trivial. It slowly faded when you realized you probably would too.

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now