chapter 15 | progress/perfection

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 "The 31st, huh?" Yoongi hums as he sits cross-legged on the dance studio's pale hardwood floor, his hand going up to stroke his chin

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"The 31st, huh?" Yoongi hums as he sits cross-legged on the dance studio's pale hardwood floor, his hand going up to stroke his chin. His soft eyes narrow, staring down at the ground before glancing up to you. You chew on your lips anxiously, submerged deeply in thought.

You throw your hands up in the air lightly. "How in the fuck am I supposed to get a routine in by then? God, I never should've signed up."

"Don't say that," Yoongi says softly, a slender hand clasping over yours on your knee. You take notice of his loose bracelet, the cloudy-white, yet clear stone gleaming in the studio lighting. A moonstone, as you quickly recognize it. As much as you think about Min Yoongi, you never really noticed this bracelet. Recalling your conversation the night before, you wonder if the other planets — er, Sentiments — also wear something similar.

"Sorry. I've been so caught up with everything else that for once, I didn't overthink about something else," you utter, taking an audible breath. "I have no idea how I'm supposed to make my own routine by the 31st. After all, that is in just about a week."

Your eyes widen at your own realization, breath hitching as you gradually break into a cold sweat. "Oh, shit. A week? I only have a week? Fuck.."

Yoongi doesn't appear to react at your panicked state accompanied by strings of curses. He doesn't hear you swear often, so he's aware that your panic is serious. But with his nature, he cannot allow himself to be anymore worried about the deadline than you are.

"(Y/N)," his strong tone breaks you out of your sudden frenzy, and you whip your head to meet eyes with him. "We will get a routine in, I promise. Hey, look—" his second hand goes up to caress your face, his touch sending a chill down your spine. "—I'll even play piano alongside you in substitute for any other kind of music you may use, as a guest assistance."

Your heart leaps out of your chest. "Really? You would do that? Would they even let you?"

"As long as we notify them beforehand, I should be permitted to," he tilts his head, his hand dropping down from your face as you feel disappointment, already missing his touch. "We should continue now, though. We may not have too much time, but we should be able to throw something together."

You watch him, eyes glued to him as he speaks, his pale blue eyes darting from one of your irises to the other. "I've watched some of the best dance performances in history. I promise you, we can do this."

Although your still worried, you feel a bit more relaxed as you nod at his words. He always makes you feel more clear-headed about things, and this time is no different. Apart from that, you can't seem to push aside a bad feeling in your gut about the competition.

"O..Okay," you say. "Okay, well, let's go from where we left off."

You and Yoongi consecutively stand. You two had arrived here about thirty minutes ago, and even then you were trying to stifle severe panic from the whole thing.

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now