chapter 24 | idle town

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 You and Yoongi sit quietly outside your balcony, legs dangling from the ledge of the thick alabaster railing as you stargaze in silence

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You and Yoongi sit quietly outside your balcony, legs dangling from the ledge of the thick alabaster railing as you stargaze in silence. You know what you came out here for, but for some reason, you find it difficult to ask.

"Why did you never mention it to me?" you say after a few minutes. "Is it really so bad? The truth, or whatever.."

Yoongi freezes, an ice cold silence befalling over the two of you. You purse your lips amongst it, observing the stars as to avoid any eye contact with the boy. Staring uncomfortably up at his celestial form, the moon, you discern each of its features and bumps the most you can, focusing on anything other than Yoongi out of pure anxiety.

"Not so much bad as it is—" Yoongi begins to say quietly, words coming out in an unusual and uncommon slur. Pausing, he sounds as if he is regaining his thoughts before continuing.

Your heart jumps, throat drying at the conformation do your already-suspecting thoughts. Not putting much energy into thinking about what Yoongi could have been possibly hiding this entire time, it all is crashing down at you at once now — a sentiment you are all too much familiar with.

"Hurtful," you nod, picking at your lips with the sharpest ends of your teeth. "Got it."

Unconsciously, you kick a foot back to a rail of the alabaster barrier. Trying to act like you aren't anxious and convincing yourself that you simply aren't 'that way' anymore, you stifle any upcoming urges to curse the situation. "And you'll tell me everything? As you promised?"

"Yes," Yoongi says blankly. "No matter how you react."

You still slightly at that. 'No matter how I react? What?'

Ignoring it, you open your mouth to speak, but are cut off by a noticeably disheveled Yoongi.

"I'll tell it to you how it is," he says slowly, pronouncing each letter and word with a crackle burning through his voice. You turn to him cautiously. "Because I care about you. Any question that arises, I will answer fully and honestly, as I hope I've been doing this past month anyway."

"You have," you mutter. "Except for this big lie you've apparently been hiding from me."

Thinking about all of Taehyung's words back at the Halloween party about 'siring' and a 'time limit,' you consider how to word your first question. You want to be blunt, but as much as you're upset at Yoongi for hiding things from you after already being such a mystery, your anger softens just from a glance to him.

After all that has occurred this entire month of October, you know a few things at least, like Yoongi being the moon and apart of a heavenly group of planets known as The Seven Celestial Sentiments (and that, for some reason, they have sinful counterparts), and also that you are apparently a human reflection of him existing on Earth. Your questions as to why you exist as such have already been answered.

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now