chapter 10 | the control of youth

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 Megan hops down the white wooden stairs of parents house, humming a tune as her auburn hair, sloppily thrown into a messy bun, bounces carefree

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Megan hops down the white wooden stairs of parents house, humming a tune as her auburn hair, sloppily thrown into a messy bun, bounces carefree. After a few hops, she at last finds herself at the bottom, a beginning creak of the floorboards seemingly echoing.

The coo of a mourning dove adds on to her relaxed state, an easy grin laying delightfully on her ivory face. The scent of vanilla lingers, assuming that her mother has been burning a candle since the moment she got up. As much as she's been a bitch Megan lately, at least that little habit of her mother's can bring a smile to her face.

Speaking of her mother, Megan makes a beeline for the kitchen, her buzzing voice speaking casually, likely to her husband from right next to her. She confirms this when she sees the both of them sitting routinely at the kitchen table, her father, of course, not without his daily newspaper in hand and steaming black coffee on the hoary dining table. Seeing them, Megan's mood ever so slightly dampens, but she tries to ignore it. 'Maybe today they'll leave me be.'

She then recalls she and your conversation and feels conciliation. The advice you gave means a lot to her, even if you choose not to see that.

"Oh! Megan, dear," Megan's mother hums at the sight of her daughter. "Look at the newspaper."

Megan, despite being skeptical, goes to peer over her fathers shoulder, who's grayish-black facial hair is stroked boringly by his rough hand. Squinting her eyes, she wonders what the sudden fuss is about.

"Gwangju University is doing a collaboration with another college, Chosun University," she says in the background as Meg reads, excitement beginning to fester in her stomach. "They're offering the winners of tests for different majors a possibility to work under a dignified company! Competing will make your résumé a strong one."

Megan leans back in excitement, her black tank top shifting. 'I wonder if they have a test for aspiring psychiatrists!'

"They're doing STEM majors and performing arts," her mother informs, suddenly shattering any hope Megan may have had of competing with her personal major. She blows a raspberry at this, extremely disappointed. "Did you hear that? They're doing STEM. You know enough about it to compete, even if it isn't your major. I'm sure they'll take you!"

Megan scoffs, suddenly angry.

"What's the point?" she seethes, discouragement loitering. Her mother was startled. "I thought you were going to force me to drop out by moving back to stupid America."

"Yes, but if you participate in the STEM portion.." Meg's mother explains, clearly trying to keep herself calm despite her daughters outburst. Her pearl necklace flashes white under her robe, infuriating Megan even more. 'Who does she think she is?'

"—We won't have to pull you out of university and move."

The world stops for a moment.

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