chapter 19 | raven

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 Your professor drones on with a monotone voice, the sound of it threatening to put you to sleep as you rest your hand upon your cheek

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Your professor drones on with a monotone voice, the sound of it threatening to put you to sleep as you rest your hand upon your cheek. With half-lidded eyes, your vision bores ahead, staring deeply into the ticking clock.

You like to stay attentive in class, especially when you go to a school as prestigious as Gwangju University, but with the competition just being a day away, you'd prefer to save your energy. You're sure that he's just going over yesterday's assignments, anyway, which you had quickly taken care of this morning at breakfast with Megan, Yoongi, and Hoseok at Starbucks.

Smiling at the memory, you recall laughing and doubling down at that petite table by the window all morning — if Megan hadn't eventually apprehended you about getting the work done in time, you sure it never would've gotten done.

Luckily, you managed to jot summaries and paragraphs down with great attention to detail before the end of breakfast. Yoongi assisted you as Megan completed her own homework on chemicals of the brain and how it affects personality disorders, and from time to time, you had found yourself glancing at her work instead of your own. If you weren't so passionate about being a professional dancer, you're sure a job as a psychiatrist would also be suitable.

Despite having seemingly opposite personalities, you and Megan both hold friendships and relationships to the highest standard, though she tends to be a lot more of a hopeless romantic than you'll ever be.

Grin remaining, you fish out your phone from your bag, sticking in the headphone jack and plunging one bud into your ear. The professor had just said that it would currently be a revising time for anyone who needs it. After lots and lots of hard work both by yourself and with Yoongi, you can proudly say you're one of the best in your classes, so you didn't need to use the time as practically as others.

Watching other students do something similar to you, many of them routinely choose a song on their phone and daze off into the distance. They look off either to the withering trees outside the huge classroom window or at a random stray poster hanging somewhere in the room. You take a while longer to select a song, though, the countless playlists you've created clouding your decisions.

At last, you pick a playlist of yours titled 'Autumn 2021,' a collection of songs you had created in September that are currently your favorite. Perplexed as to why you hadn't clicked on it earlier, you tap on the icon, expertly tapping on the shuffle button and exhaling in almost relief once music begins to play.

Hearing a loud crow squeaking somewhere in the background, 'Nights' by Frank Ocean starts playing melodically though your earbud. You close your eyes peacefully, allowing the flow of time to overtake you as you wait for the class to cease.

When you open your eyelids with an angelic flutter, your professor's booming raspy voice tears through the room, students packing up their stuff with customary haste. Following along their movements, your chair scratches the floor of the row you sat on. Nobody is next to you, and the classroom isn't nearly as packed as usual.

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