chapter 16 | written in the stars

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 "I feel like we haven't done this in forever," Megan chuckles, grasping onto her iced pumpkin spice latte in thought

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"I feel like we haven't done this in forever," Megan chuckles, grasping onto her iced pumpkin spice latte in thought. You readjust your position in your seat, the material of the forest-green cushion squeaking. You and Megan had just sat down at Starbucks, and the scent of coffee grains tickles your nostrils kindly as you look over to her from across the table.

You breath in deeply at the fragrance, attempting to rest your aching heart which bursts in anticipation. It does so not only for the competition on the 31st of October, but also regarding the pervious night's occurrences. Hearing Meg's comment, you chortle.

"Meg, it's only been a few days, y'know," you say, holding onto a hot coffee cup of your own. The black lid fastened tightly onto the rim, you glance down at the cream-toned beverage. "Though, I can understand why it may have felt like forever."

There's silence hanging in the air for a brief moment, but Megan smiles nonetheless, speaking up.

"Those boys," she laughs shaking her head and you take notice of the way her Gwangju University-themed lanyard adjusts on her neck as she does so. "They certainly keep us occupied. But then again, I'm sure I did as well."

Aware she's mentioning the whole thing with her parents, you give her a flicker of a smile, trying to, at last, relax yourself into the environment of Starbucks. Although your mind is plagued with the thought of that lanky red-haired boy from last night, the least you can do is be a concerned friend. It's in your nature, and you won't allow it to be smothered with your overthinking.

"How are they? — You're parents, I mean," you say, leaning a bit forward at your inquiry. At any previous mention of her parents just merely days ago, she would have stiffened, but instead, she grows loose.

"They don't bitch at me as much anymore," she snickers, shrugging her shoulders. "They're still packing right now, but they should be in America by tomorrow."

Her eyes grow glassy as she quickly looks away, resting her hand on her pale ivory face. Her freckles gleam under the afternoon sunlight, which shimmers through the black-lined window to your left. At seeing this visual, you're glad that you still have plenty of time in your college lunch break to talk with your best friend. Her sudden teary-eyed look brings you worry.

"Hey, hey, hey," you lean even more forward, hand going up to grasp her own. You feel a burning instinctive emotion in your gut at her state, an urge to help her. "It's okay. You'll be okay."

As soon as a tear trickles down her face, she blinks rapidly, wiping away the tear as soon as it comes. She tucks her hair behind her ears, as it had previously been blocking her face, to give herself some sort of her own condolence.

"Sorry, (N/N), I just—" she stops for a moment, gathering her thoughts with a sigh. "I just.. I don't now how I'll be without them. This is all just hitting me now."

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