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sigh...... Today's gonna be both exciting and scary day for me. 

Y/N's POV:

I got dressed in a crop top with a pair of Jeans and cover it up with my Slytherin cloak and headed out to the great hall for breakfast and saw my two best friends and pug-face. I was surprised by the fact that they got up earlier then me. I then sat beside them.

"What's your first class" Leah asked me and Adeline ignoring Pansy staring at us.

"I have potions" Me and Adeline said at the same time.

"YAYYYY!! I guess we will be in the same group then!!" Leah said excited.

" Yeah I really do hope it's just the three of us and nobody else......" I said in a sarcasm tone hoping that they would catch what I was meaning. And they did .......

"I promise you Y/n, If he dares to lay hands on you again I will punch his arse and hex him till he apologize too you. You don't have to worry. I won't let you get hurt again. Just try and stay away from him okay ??" Adeline said and Leah was shock that she would say such words.....Maybe that's why she's a Slytherin.

We continue eating our breakfast and kept chatting until It was 10 minutes till class starts.

Both Adeline and Leah showed me the way to potions. We were finally there and we sat together in a row. After a few minutes, some other Hufflepuff and Slytherin students came too. It was then the professor came and introduce himself. He's name was Professor Slughorn and we will be teaching us this whole year. He seemed nice though. I was happy because I thought that someone wouldn't join. Who would have known while he was teaching some names of a potions, a few footsteps came in the class. And Boom! There stood the the prototypical spoiled, rude, selfish brat and with his two big sized "Bodyguards". I then sigh and looked back to Slughorn. " Ah Mr. Malfoy and the two of you. Thought you wouldn't join us. Come find a place and sit."

" Sure, Professor." He said in a rather calm tone. And the two dummies nodded and sat at the back in class with Malfoy. 

After 30 minutes of teaching, Professor Slughorn had an idea. He wanted us to be with a partner and do a project. I turned my head to the side and saw both of my friends looking at me. We thought that we would at least have the chance to be with each other but no. Professor had already gave a list of partners and each of us took a glance. 

*Leah with Adeline 

*Harry  with Hermione  

*Ron with Lavender 

*Pansy with Grabbe 

*Y/n with Draco 

and a lot more.....

My eye's immediately shot up and turn to look and see Draco's expression. He didn't look happy too. At this time Pansy at the back of me interrupted my thoughts and said" Draykieee babyyyy...Why can't I be with you ......We could be happy together." 

Was he dating that pug-face?? Did he have feelings for her? Why didn't I know all of these ??  Will Pansy be Jealous if I be with him ??

Suddenly, all I need now is a answer, and not bother if I am with that Malfoy or not.

What the hell Y/N?? Why do you care so much about him ? No, I shouldn't care about him. 

" Alright guys, I want you guys to be with your partner, no complains and I will tell you what are you going to do."

Leah and Adeline gave me a worried look but I assure them. Nothing that bad could happen right.....

All of the students took our seats with their partner but I was still at my seats.

Malfoy cut of my thoughts by slamming his books on the table and sitting next to me. I was shocked and more angry. How could he slam the table, pathetic......" Alright slut, give me some space to sit. A fat slut like you shouldn't be with me though. You just came to Hogwarts because you didn't want people to body shame your body huh... Well then your wrong." 

I wanted to say something but unfortunately Professor Slughorn already continued the class.

I finally took the courage and spoke to him." Malfoy, could you please learn how to respect others ? I think you are going way to far-" I said and he suddenly looked at me and  shush me with his long fingers.

"Dra-Malfoy, what in the wizarding world are you doing. I can talk whenever I want and not to mention I haven't even said about how rude you were being to me-" I said almost shouting.

"Ms. Moonlight, I'm afraid you've been talking too much. Detention with me, and Mr. Malfoy I am sure you will also have to follow Ms. Moonlight for the day. As I was saying .........." He then continued to teach.

" Do I really have to be with this whore for the whole damn day, professor?" Malfoy said a bit too loud and Slughorn heard him.

" Language, Mr. Malfoy. 5 points from Slytherin and stay back with Ms. Moonlight or the circumstances will be severe." 

What could be worst now, I have to stay back with "Mr. Malfoy" and now because of him I've been losing points from my house .....Geez   

-a little time skip-

It's finally end of class I ran out of class without even hesitating.  Malfoy then came out and gave a stare at me and continue walking his way to his next class. I waited for both my best friends to come out. Leah and Adeline finally came out of class, they saw me and  knew what was wrong. I didn't know what's wrong with Malfoy.....Why does he kept bullying me?? I hate him and I really do. 

The rest of the class although Malfoy was at the very back, he still can't stop judging me and some others Slytherins. Fuck them. I didn't even pay attention to Professor what Snape again?? 

And after all the classes it was finally time to face hell.

I tried to drag my foot on the ground but it was no use.

" Ah Ms. Moonlight come have a sit and we will start in a few minutes after Mr. Malfoy comes."

After a few minutes of waiting and somehow I managed to talk to Professor Slughorn about my past FINALLY, he came .

"Mr. Malfoy, we were waiting for you. Please have a sit and we will start."


YAYYYY SO THIS IS PART 3. Please don't forgot to vote, share and comment for more. I really hope you guys enjoyed.

I've been working soo hard on this I almost forgotten about my school ......

So as per usual I will try to post part 4 as soon as possible and feel free to comment your ideas and do whatever you want. 


Playing with Danger 

By: 1tomfelton4life 

Playing with Danger {D.M}Where stories live. Discover now