Twenty Two

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"Ahh Mr. Malfoy. Finally here eh. Welcome and come join class.. Please sit next to Ms. Moonlight."

Y/N's POV: 


"Certainly Professor." He said and sat next to me without saying anything. The class was back to usual surprisingly. He didn't say anything to me and that is very strange. Not that I want him to talk to me, I just thought maybe he will bully me or comment something. 

After the class I was packing and Draco went out and I thought maybe I should have a word with him. I just thought maybe talk about that kiss?? 

"Malfoy-" I stopped him at the corridor and at the time no one was around. 

He turn and faced me. Eyes stays contact with me still. 

"Yes Y/n ?" Normally when he said my name It would rather be imitating but this time he said in a way that makes my heart flutters. 

"D-don't you wanna talk...About yesterday. Or am I just one of your toys ??" I ask him and remembered Blaise standing at the same place and took my first kiss away. I started to tear up at the thought of him. I really missed him, I really do.. But I can't....He just used me as his toy.

"....Do we really have to-"

"Yes....I don't want to misunderstand anyone anymore. It's fine if you don't want to talk...I will take it as that kiss was...jus-just....using me...." And after I cut him off I turn away and wanted to walk away.   

" It was not just a kiss- It was a mark that means your mine for now and forever.." I turn to look at him but he left already...

Maybe I was just thinking of something else. The rest of the day was quite......normal? I mean other then the talking with Draco It was all normal and as usual. 

I've been hanging out with the golden trio and they seem quite nice but I'm not sure why some of the Slytherin hate them. 

It's all fine and It was break time so I went and hang out with them since Adeline and Leah is out to go somewhere without telling me. 

We were now at the library and everything was as usual. Hermione was talking to me about this new muggle book called Jealousy. It was a story about a girl who was in love with a boy but had to move away because their parents disagreed. The boy found her many years after but found out she already had a boyfriend. He was jealous and then the drama starts. It was pretty cool that she could read a whole 500 page in a day. Harry...Well he was just looking at me, I don't think it's a good thing but never mind. As for Ron, he was busy thinking of food so wwe don't really have to worry about him. 

"Moon....Don't look back okay?" Hermione suddenly told me but my curiousness took me. 

" What happened??" I then looked back and Hermione slapped her face. 

"Someone's looking at you." I then looked around and found a pair of grey well now black eyes staring at me like I was his pray.

Draco Fucking Malfoy. After he knew that I saw him he ran away. 

"Um...Sorry guys, I think I have to go to the washroom. Please give me a sec." And I left them.

I knew it was dangerous to follow someone like that but I really need to know what's going wrong with him. I passed through many corridors and corners and finally he stood there. 

"Why are you here Malfoy ??" I asked him coldly.

"Does that matter now..little one. I have something more important to tell you." He said and now I'm really scared. 

"A-and what's t-that ??" I said and within a second he pushed against a wall.

"Wh-why are you doing t-this.....Being scary sometimes and later kissing m-me.." He bend down to listen and he chuckles. 

" You don't know what your doing to me little girl....." I was confused by what he said. 

"What do you m-mean??" 

" You see... When a boy likes a girl, he bullies her to get her attention..." And then he pushed my chin up. But then I saw his face softhens. 

"I like you.....Y/N....Be my girlfriend."


Well that went so fast. So if you guys wanna continue seeing what happened please vote and that really makes my day. And I would like to thank you all my supporters. I wanted to give up but I don't think it's worth it so ye. And I am really sorry for the late update. 

I hoped you enjoyed reading and I love you guys. I will see you during the next chapter!! Byee!

Playing with Danger {D.M}


Playing with Danger {D.M}Where stories live. Discover now