Twenty One

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So just like that I haven't slept.....Just thinking of some of the possibilities.

Jason's POV: 

I really miss all those cuddles and hug from her. Every since the day when we broke up I haven't even been sleeping well. You will think that it's already 2 months so get over it but I couldn't and I wish I could....So every time when she's near me and still could felt the warmth inside me but I tried my very best not to show it. 

This few weeks she's been playing with almost the whole school boys ?? I mean nah she's just too sad sometimes. I have been thinking on having her back again but I'm scared that she's not ready...Will she?? 

I was in back flipping over here and there thinking or even imagining that Y/n is here telling me that everything is okay and that she is cuddling me to sleep. 

Y/N's POV: 

I finally couldn't take it so I climb off bed and sneak out of the common room. I walked along the corridor and that reminds me of Blaise so I decided to go to a new place.....

I went up a few stairs up and I saw the astronomy tower. It was way beautiful up here, so I just watch the stars and sing softly to myself...... It was beautiful and I could see the full moon from here. It looks like we were an inch close. 

I took out my wand and cast a spell and my muggle book came up. It was the best novel ever. Ever since Hermione introduced me to this I began to fell in love with it. It was suddenly my hobby. 

This book is about about a girl who didn't know what was love. She was there in her normal school until she bumped into a guy. The book didn't really describe he's looks but I could imagine the looks and I'm not sure why....Anyways, the boy was way taller then her so he just pushed her aside and didn't say a word. Her books fell on the ground so she had to pick it up and by the time she did he left......

The rest of the story was that he was the new guy at school and he kept bullying the main character which is her. One normal day, she was normal at school doing her homework when suddenly that guy came in and pulled her out....After that he told her how sorry he was to behave like this and just like that they kissed-

" Someone's here enjoying huh?? " A sound cut  me off and I turned to see who was it. 


"Er- Hi...I couldn't sleep so you won't catch me again right??" I didn't know what was I saying. I was literally telling my bullying why did I came up-

"Don't worry little one....I won't" He said in a lower voice. And just like that he walked towards me and I backed as far as I can but It was the dead end and If I continue I can fall off any time. 

"What are y-you doing??" I asked him...

He then pushed me chin.

My heart was now beating so fast I could die straight away. Now our lips were inch close-

Before I could react doing anything he pulled me closer to him and now the scent of Dior Sauvage stronger. I closed my eyes thinking why this is happened. 

"Don't worry...I won't hurt you..." And after he said that I can feel a smirk on his face. 

He leaned in and our lips touched each other for the first time. Electric ran through my whole body. I didn't know how to respond...It felt better then Blaise that's for sure....

He then slides he's tongue in my mouth, puts his hands on my waist. I didn't know what to do so I kissed him back a bit then pushed back. I then stared at his grey eyes, how can someone be so sexy but bad at the same time-

"I have to go.." I said to him and left him alone at the tower. I was still thinking what happened a few minutes ago. And I climb back to bed and sleep. Well maybe not sleep, think about how he pressed his soft lips on mine. I had to admit he was a good kisser but I can't be with him. We are totally the opposite. Not really TOTALLY opposite, we have some things in common but still..... you know.... He's my bully. I decided to drink a sleep potion and take away all my thoughts.

~Get up, it's time for school...Get up~ 

I off my alarm. I change it to a softer one since the last one was a bit too loud. So I got up and I could still remembered what happened yesterday night. I looked at the time and It's 8 so I changed my clothes and went out for breakfast not wanting t see Draco. 

I came out and saw Adeline standing there so the both of us went to the hall together. You may asked where's Leah. She's may be shagging her boyfriend. Who knows ?? 

So now we are at the hall eating and I haven't seen Draco anywhere which is brilliant. Adeline noticed my strange act so she's asked me if I'm okay. Well obviously not but I said yes and she knew what's wrong with me so she didn't asked anymore. 

Another news is that the Sex Ed class is continue and yea...You know what I'm gonna say. Me and Draco will be stuck together as  FUCKING TEAM. Yea, keep clam Y/n.....

Class was great today because Draco didn't come and It's time for two more classes and It's break.  So I prayed that I didn't have to see Him during class. He's avoiding class and It's normal for the teachers because they didn't want to lose their jobs. 

I went to class and sat next to Jason and today we will learn transfiguration. And as we were having class The professor said something.

"Ahh Mr. Malfoy. Finally here eh. Welcome and come join class..Please sit next to Ms. Moonlight."




Playing with Danger{D.M}

By: 1tomfelton4life 

Playing with Danger {D.M}Where stories live. Discover now