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Y/N's POV:

"Are you ready sweetheart ?" "Yea.... I am mum" 

Today was finally the day that I would transfer to Hogwarts. There we should at platform 9 3/4. To be honest, I am quite nervous and excited both at the same time, after the two years of living in hell and all the torturing, I was finally able to be free. Don't get me wrong. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic was a great school. It's just the girls and all the bullying that I received from the past two years. I guess they were just jealous of my looks.......

I had a friends from Beauxbatons. It's a heartbreak to hear that we have to break because of the transfer. I do hope we still could write each other letters and keep in touch. I really didn't want to leave if they kept bullying me. 

Well as those muggles said, "always have a good start". I have to give them all a good impression. ......

Anyways, the train started honking and that's when I stopped thinking so much. I said good bye to my mother and gave her a big hug before boarding the train. She told me to just relax but easy said then done. I was damn nervous when I was in the train and I started to walking around looking for a empty compartment.  That's when I thought:" This was it ".

While I was admiring the scenery, two girls around my age came by my door and asked if I don't mind sitting with them because all the compartment were full. I let them in and continue viewing the window. It was kind of a awkward situation until one of the girl broke the silent and said: " Nice view right". I nodded my head as she said:" My name is Leah Lockwood and she is Adeline Greengrass, you seemed new here eh ??" 

"Y/n Moonlight, pleasure to meet you too. Indeed I am new here and I just transfer from Beauxbatons. And i am coming here for year 3 i guess ..." I said in a slightly soft voice not wanted to scare them.  Leah looked a bit shocked while Adeline seemed to understand. " So your the girl who always got bullied by that bunch of Beauxbaton's bitch ?!!" Leah said loudly almost screaming and of course i nodded. At first I thought it was a bad idea telling them but suddenly both arms wrapped around my body. Adeline also came joining Leah and adding "Poor thing".

I was shocked of course by their reaction but confusion took over me. How did they know about this?? When they pulled away I asked if how they knew about all of this ?? Well turns out there is this wizarding newpaper that shows all of the news going on in the world. 

No one's POV:

Y/n was surprised the fact that Adeline and Leah are willing to listen to her. They began to talk to each other and found out that they have a lot in common. Y/n was happy that she had made new friends within one day and she was also surprise at the fact. They also taught her some useful spells. They talked and laughed as if the world only had the three of them. They also taught her how to recognize the four houses and it's shocking that the both of them were placed in Slytherin. After hours of chatting, It was almost time the train would arrive. Adeline told y/n to wear on her black cloak as it is almost time. Once she came out of the washroom........

Y/N's POV:

I was told by Adeline to change my black cloak on. Once I wore on my cloak, I ran straight to the compartment where my best friends were waiting at. Who would have known that I bumped into a tall boy with platinum blond hair and a pale, pointed sneering face. He was both scary and attractive to be honest.....

" am soo sorry, I didn't-" God, why am I stuttering . "Of course you didn't, now watch where your going" He said with a somehow rude and sarcastic tone. I tried to walk past him but he was way stronger then I thought. I was furious," I said I'm sorry so could you please just let me go back to my seats." "Not very friendly are you, nobody dares to speak to me like this. I assume you don't know who am I ?" This time I didn't dare to speak. " I, am the one and only Draco Malfoy. And you must be the-Hogwarts-new-girl. Am I right ?" I was about to speak when suddenly the two of my best friends came.

"There you are Y/n !!! We have been looking for you almost everywhere......" Leah said while Adeline kept nodding her head. " I'm fine ....." They saw Draco beside me. " Ah, come to see the show, Lockwood and Greengrass." Great!  I thought .Now the three of us are angry and I have to pull them away. " Look, there's someone over there !" I pranked Draco and it worked. He looked to the opposite side and I took this opportunity to grab the two of them and run past him and went back to my seats. That's when the train finally at Hogwarts. 

Me and my two friends packed and when down the train. There was a giant Guy standing next to me. Leah describe him to me at the train before so I assume his name is Hagrid. He brought us through the lake with a boat and there stood Hogwarts. Not gonna lie, it's as beautiful as the photo I saw when I was at Beauxbatons. This was now going to be my home. I followed Adeline to the great hall. But an old woman stood by me. Her name was professor Mcgonagall. She told me to stand by with some first years and soon I will be sorted in my house. 

After several students being sorted. Professor Mcgonagall called my name.I was shaking at that moment. I didn't really know which house should I be in. The sorting hat then began to talk which made me jump a little. " A Moonlight I see eh ........Your Mother is a Hufflepuff and your father is a Slytherin....Where to put you...You are sweet, caring and loyal.....but there is something I see which make you different from Hufflepuff .Therefore .......



So anyways I hope you guys enjoy reading this and YES CLIFFHANGER !!!MUAHAHAH-

If you like this story and want to know what Y/N house is please x1000 Vote for me and comment what you think about this( It really means a lot too me). I love all you guys. And I will try to post part 2 as soon as possible!! BYEEEE

Playing with Danger {D.M]

By 1tomfelton4life

Playing with Danger {D.M}Where stories live. Discover now