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"Mr. Malfoy, we were waiting for you. Please have a sit and we will start."

Draco's POV:

I knew I was gonna be late just now but that stupid pug-face pansy kept sexualizing me. God dammit.  I would rather be with Y/N then to stick with Pansy for my life- Hold up. Did I just said I would rather be with that innocent, dumb girl?? What the hell and I thinking about....I HATE her and I always will right??

But She's like an angel. She looks at you in that cute face, you just can't resist to squish -What the fuck. No no and NO DRACO. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY. FUCK YOU DRACO.

I quickly ran towards Slughorn and there was she, sitting at the opposite of him. What was this feeling? I hate myself. I won't and will never like her. I HATE HER. REMEMBER THAT DRACO.

She maintain her contact on me waiting for me to show emotions but I refused. Her eyes......Fuck  .....DRACO!!! YOU ARE NOT THAT WEAK. GO KILL YOURSELF. I then broke the eye contact and sat beside her. 

"Both of you must be writing lines today about what you done wrong...Ms. Moonlight, you will write ' I will not talk loudly and interrupt teacher during class again' ....And you Mr. Malfoy, will be writing ' I will mind my own language and will not hurt others again' 

Both of us nodded our head behaving.

I was writing my fourth last line and she was at the third last line. Professor wanted us to clean the room also without magic after finishing writing the lines. 

" I will be leaving both of you in class. I have something important to do. Please behave yourself and I would not wanting to see both of you fight again. And I will be back in an hour. And if you guys finish you may leave. Understood?? Now, If you will excuse me ...." Professor Slughorn suddenly spoke to us ad within a second he rushed out as quick as possible. 

Ok Professor, now WHAT ??!! 

After he left, Y/N continue writing without even speaking a single word to me. WHAT DO YOU EXCEPT HER TO DO DRACO ??!! YOU PUT HER INTO THIS....HOW DO YOU WANT HER TO TALK TO YOU ??!  I then suddenly made up my mind and decided not to talk to her.

Now the both of us finished writing our lines and it was time to clean. She then took the courage to say something " Okay Malfoy, I will clean this side while you clean the other okay ??"

"No Moonlight.....I was suppose to clean the lesser part because you made me into this!! " I said almost shouting ....FUCK YOU DRACO....NOW YOU HURT HER MORE ..... I DON'T CARE RIGHT??!! I HATE HER   

" MALFOY...IT WAS YOU TO CALL ME A WHORE AND NOW YOU BLAME ME INTO THIS ??!!" she shouted to me...... " WELL IT  REALLY IS YOUR FAULT ISN'T IT ??" I said defending myself.

" FINE MALFOY, I HATE YOU!!! IT'S MY FAULT NOW ...HAPPY ???!!" This time I was speechless. 

I felt her holding back her tears in front of me not wanting to show her weak spot. She then began sniffing and continue doing almost all the cleaning by herself and I almost did nothing.

It was an awkward situation for almost a long time and we almost finish. She began talking again.....

" Why do you always have to bully me Malfoy ?" she questioned me. 

" I-....I...." For the first time, I managed to stutter in front of a girl.

I then have a mixed feeling rushing though my body telling me what to do. 

I then finally took a step forward her and she stepped back. She really is scared of me.....

I then did a thing I didn't regret in my life before...

I pushed her in my arm and hugged her tightly. This was not the usual hugging I've been though before. It felt warmth and loved. She hesitate for a while and finally hugged me. The tension between us was mutual. 

I then came back into reality and pushed her away from me. " I'm, s-so sorry" was all I could say.

I rush towards the door and left her all alone........

Y/N's POV : 

"Why do you always have to bully me Malfoy ?" I asked him but in a slight anger tone.

" I-....I...." He was stuttering. He seem like he didn't know the answer either.

He stood there without making any voice and that was creepy. A while later, he took a step closer to me and I stepped back.... He was scary and I didn't want him to hurt me anymore.

The rest of the minutes felt like days....... I don't really know why but he suddenly pushed me to his arm and hugged me. I was astonished by that action but of course I didn't show it out. I slowly then wrapped him on the waist and hugged him back. 

It was confusing at that moment.... All the emotion covered me up. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad or angry...

I only know that when he hugged I felt something warmth and different from the other friendship hugs....It was like I was hugging one of my parent's or a lover.....But he was not my lover nor parents .......

He was my enemy......And I hate him. 

I was back to my reality when suddenly he pushed me away and left me alone........" I'm, s-so sorry" That's was his last words...... 

Why did I want this to be forever?? Why did he hug me ? Does he feel the same warmth or I am just a toy to help him fix his emotions?? He was angry at the first point and now he wanted to hug me.......WHAT IS THIS FEELING ??

I was confused......Confused at what just happened a few minutes before....Confused at the feeling I had now........

I just stood there. I didn't know why I felt this way. I was like a dear finding his way back home but even worst.  I went out of the office and went to the Slytherin common room. I said the password and went in... It was lucky that Malfoy was not there. Leah, Adeline and Pansy was there. They didn't managed to see my puffy eyes so they didn't ask much. 

After wearing a large t-shirt, I went to bed and Pansy was still talking about how perfect Malfoy was .... I wasn't really in the mood. I was thinking about the hug he gave me.  

~Time skip~

I was at my bed still rolling here and there. I couldn't sleep...great. 

Oh yeah, I still haven't told you guys about my boyfriend.....well ex-boyfriend....

He was at Beauxbaton and we loved each other. I was forced to broke up with him when I heard the news that I had to transfer to Hogwarts..... I missed the way he laughed at me. We've been together for almost 7 months and today we are supposed to celebrate it. 

I know....some of you guys will think that a 14 year old girl will have a boyfriend already ?

I really loved him but we haven't really shared a kiss yet..... We were more to the cuddling and stuff. The big t-shirt I wore was a gift from him.....

Back to reality now Y/N !!  I couldn't sleep, although I was tired. So I stood up carefully because all of them were asleep. I then sneak out of the common room and decided to walk around the corridor. I didn't know where I was going either.....until I found a mirror.....


Part 4 is here yayyyy and I wanna thank you all my supporters although it's just some of you. 

I still love all you guys and per usual please vote, share, comment and follow for more.....

I will try to write Chapter 5 as fast as possible and guess what Y/N saw in the mirror.....

Everybody sate safe, I love you guys soo much and hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!


Playing with Danger 

By: 1tomfelton4life 

Playing with Danger {D.M}Where stories live. Discover now