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Y/N's POV:

" A Moonlight I see eh ........Your Mother is a Hufflepuff and your father is a Slytherin....Where to put you...You are sweet, caring and loyal.....but there is something I see which make you different from Hufflepuff .Therefore ....... 


My heart beats were beating as fast as a cheetah runs when the sorting hat shouted my house. Why am I in Slytherin?? Some of the Slytherins including Leah and Adeline cheered and clapped for me. All the rest of the student's had nothing to say. I assume that they thought all the Slytherins are bad. I walked towards the Slytherin table and sat next to Leah and Adeline. They both gave me big hugs and were happy that I was with them. At the side of my eye I saw the same platinum blond hair guy I bumped on looking at me. I just brushed it of and continue talking to my friends. Professor Dumbledore then signal me to meet him at his office after dinner. 

-a little time skip later -

Guess being a Slytherin isn't that bad. Adeline introduced me to all the Slytherins. Of course some of them were kind and some of them were rude, but I couldn't care less. All they do is gossip and I can't control them.

~time skip~

After dinner Adeline and Leah showed me the ways to our dorms and the Slytherin common room. The dorms were a beautiful emerald green color with hints of silver to represent the house colors. My bed was placed in between Leah and Adeline's beds with Leah on my right and Adeline on my left. It was all fun until a short hair-pug-face girl came in and sat on the bed right at the opposite of me. Her name was pansy and she claimed to be roommates with us. 

I suddenly remembered that Professor Dumbledore wants to meet me at his office. I bid my friends goodbye and went to his office. It was then I realized I was lost. OH SHIT . I ran to ask some people but I still managed to get lost. OH GOD, why is this castle so damn big. I suddenly saw the office and thank God I was in time. I somehow didn't know how to go inside so I knocked the door dumbly and surprisingly it opened.

"Y/N Moonlight, I see you finally managed to transfer to Hogwarts........Welcome to Hogwarts, I see you already made some friends and that's good." Dumbledore said in a rather happy tone.

" Yes Professor, I made two new best friends and I am rather excited to be here." I said slightly calming down a bit after the few minutes of searching the office.

" Thank you Y/n for being here on time. Here is the timetable you will be attending to, and this are your textbooks for your studies. I am sure that you are smart and have a talent inside you. You will have your class starting tomorrow. And I hope you will be used to the environment. You may leave now." Dumbledore said.

Once he gave me the timetable, I bowed to him as respect, thanked him and went out of the office. I was still thinking of what he said about my talent and smartness. I kept thinking until....."ouch ....." I bang until someone. My books flew away and I fell on the ground. The impact was high and now my knees were bleeding. I looked up at the guy and guess who...

Draco Fucking Malfoy 

"What are you doing here all alone in the dark, Y/n??" He said with a smirk on his face. He didn't even bother about my bleeding knees ??  " It's Moonlight to you Malfoy , and I was at Dumbledore's office, and I would want to ask you the same question." His face was still smirking and answered me" It's my duty to go and find naughty children like you wandering in the dark...catch them, minus their house marks and finally put them into detention." 

I was suddenly speechless. HIM ??!! As a head prefect ?!! NO WAY  

I mentally knock myself to check if I am dreaming when he spoke again." Dreaming of me, Moonlight ???  Who would have known a whore like you will be attracted to me" " I won't even think dream about you Malfoy." 

My knees still bleeding and he just kept talking. After words by words coming out of his mouth, he finally stopped and kicked me aside. Then without saying another word, he continue walking.

I was hurt by the fact that he did that to me. I started comforting myself saying that I am strong and won't give a shit about this. But turns out it became worst. I forced myself to stand up. half limping and walking towards the Slytherin Common Room. I guess both my best friends were worried sick that I came back late. When I came back limping, both of them were helping and taking care of me like I was still a baby. Since I guess they know the fact that I was broken before. They use spells to make me heal and kept comforting me. I suddenly felt the warmth and the love I received. 

I told them about all the things that happened and they were furious. I guess if I am not the one's to stop them, Draco would be hexed by now. I told them that there is no need to waste time with trash and worthless people. They said I deserve more then the world and they will protect me till the death of me. I was definitely touched by their words. 

After a long day ,we all decided to head to bed. Soon Adeline and Leah has already dozed off to sleep but I was kept awake by the thought of Draco Malfoy. How could he say something so absurd. I was now then scared more then angry, but I'm a Slytherin right ?? And he's a Slytherin too. We should be fighting for our rights and not lose right ?? I let him always win right. Being a Slytherin means we are ambitions , strong ..............


I closed my so call wizarding alarm and woke up. I've been thinking too long about the traits of Slytherin that I eventually fallen asleep. Great! Today will be the first and official day I will learn here at Hogwarts. It's a shame that I have to be in the Same class as Malfoy- No Y/n, think of the bright side. You can be a group with your two best friends ...isn't that nice ?? 

sigh...... Today's gonna be both exciting and scary day for me. 


Hey guys !! So this is it!! Part 2 is here and I hope you guys like it. Being a Slytherin is nice isn't it ?? feel free to comment, vote ,share and follow to support me. IT TOOK ME MANY HOURS TO WRITE THIS FOR ALL YOU GUYS .....Please comment and tell me if it's good or not.

Once again I do hope you enjoy. I love you guys so so so much and PLEASE VOTE AND FOLLOW ME. I will try and write part 3 as soon as possible. Make sure to stay safe and BYEEEE!!!!!

Playing With Danger 

By: 1 tomfelton4life

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