C H A P T E R # 14 - Change

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"I want you to keep an eye on Sera, in the girls' dorms, where I can't see her.

I was afraid that Sera and John, or at least, Sera, would change. She already wasn't herself. Sneaking off with mid-tiers? Unlike her, although it wasn't for sure that hadn't changed already.

When that pesky John character arrived, everything was turned upside down. First, the hierarchy was all messed up due to him attempting to and almost beating me (even though he said he was a damn mid-tier).

Something else that unnerved me was that Sera skipped class. She never did, and her hair used to be long and purple. Now it's cut and she wears extensions, plays videogames all the time, and doesn't really take many things seriously anymore.

I wondered if it had to be doing with John. I was determined to find out.

"Oof!" I had so conveniently bumped into him on my way back from English 101. What was he doing here? Why was he wandering the halls of Honors Classes? The last time I checked, his grades weren't even high enough to make it in here.

I helped him up. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just picking up Sera." He barely spared me a glance before turning and running back to Seraphina.

Was he confident because he knew Sera could protect him, or was it something else? There were so many different things about him, and most of them ended in question marks.

What was he even doing here, picking up Sera in the middle of class? Granted, she's probably skipping today, but still. Sera wasn't herself, and basically the whole school was turned upside down because of his arrival. As I roamed the halls of Wellston I heard gossiping.

"I heard that new student kicked Arlo's ass!"

"Yeah, maybe he could bring some much-needed change..." I loomed over them menacingly. They squeaked and ran away. Typical. Talk shit when I'm gone, but then act like you love me or at least respect me when you come closer. The hierarchy was messed up, but I rather liked it. The strong were in control, they played the cards, they made the decisions.

And that benefited me. But what didn't benefit me was John. He was a wild card, something like a powerful person gone wrong.

And that was what I was afraid of. Changes. 

For years, I had stood at the top. Dominating Wellston, of course, with Seraphina. Together, we were the King and Queen, we were undefeatable. I remember when I first transferred

"Hey, blondie. We have to teach you a lesson." some kids cracked their knuckles. I remembered a blue-haired, green-eyed kid especially. He was the meanest. They tried to forcefully shove me into the ground, but luckily I was calm.

I pushed them away and stood my ground, while they lay on the ground beaten.

"Don't mess with me again."

Author Note: Welcome to your friendly 'midnight-ish' update! (Don't worry, I swear the others won't be this late xD). for one, computer had issues so I had to get a new one, and then after that I swear I'm dying because things in UnOrdinary are moving as slow as a turtle. also, i'm getting kinda tired after working for homework for like 4-5 hours but i shall try to do the best I can! i'm also trying to get the chapters a little longer too... for the better of all of us.

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