C H A P T E R # 15 - Past

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Author: Hello lovely fans and readers! Thank you, thank you for supporting me in this period of my life. Since it's back on track, updates will come more frequently! Thank you, thank you for staying with me. Now without further ado, let us begin Chapter#15 :D

I remember when I first transferred to the school.

"Good morning, class. Today we have a new student, Elaine! Let us all greet her with respect." The class stood up and greeted me, then sat back down. But I heard the whispers. What power level was she? I figured they would ask something like this.

After all, every single part of the world was built up with the hierarchy. The strong ruled supreme over the weak. The weak cowered at the might of the strong. And then I saw him. Well, not exactly yet, but soon.

After class was over, I walked to the lunchroom. I had made... acquaintances with a purple-haired girl who called herself Seraphina. She practically radiated authority.

But that was when I saw... him. My heart skipped a beat. He looked at me with blue eyes, like the sea, assessing me, looking me over. Apparently I wasn't as of interest to him, because he resumed eating his lunch like nothing had happened.

But I refused to be dismissed. Well, I tried to attract his attention over the next several of days. I just wanted to be noticed. But I wasn't powerful enough to attract attention, nor weak enough to, either.

"Ignore him, Elaine. He's just an asshole who's obsessed with the hierarchy." But Seraphina followed the hierarchy as well. I started to doubt in the foundations of Wellston, the seams beginning to crack. 

This was before Seraphina applied hair extensions, dyed her hair partially yellow, and before she had changed. Before, she was more rationally sound, but now, I didn't know what was going on with her.

But as much as I wanted to help her, like the rest of the Wellston community, we feared at the magnitude of her ability. I wished there was a way... well, I didn't really think those thoughts.

But I did wish that she could be more connected with us, like a true Queen should. She was like that in the beginning, after all. But then when she started hanging out with that troublesome black-haired boy, being Queen seemed less coveted for her, less special. The pedestal that she was standing on was crumbling, until it was no more than a pile of rocks.

"Seraphina, what inspires you?" Seraphina was lost in thought.

"Perfectionism." I nodded, glad that Seraphina was being reasonable.

But sometimes, I wondered if the pressure caught up to her. I noticed that people expected her to be perfect, and if she wasn't, they would gossip. Nothing too detrimental, from what I had heard around the halls, especially when Seraphina was around.

But I felt the fury.

"Aaron," I whispered. A purple-haired boy with green eyes crept out from underneath the bed. I nodded, and his eyes shone with the colors of the rainbow.

"They're not happy, they're a bit agitated about... something. Give me some time to figure it out." then he leaped out of the window, and I was left alone once more.

They being the lower-tiers. And I could guess what they were agitated about. They were tired of being the dirt on the higher-tiers shoes.

I trembled, realizing their intention. A coup.

"Arlo!" I was so glad he had finally noticed me. We walked in strides, choosing our path, away from the other people.

"I need to go," he said. His words calmed me, but not entirely. I felt a bit... nervous. 

"Are we breaking up?" my words sent a chill through my own body. He looked at me gravely, but didn't say anything more. And then it just happened. A passionate kiss, hot and cold at the same time. I felt like I could've stayed in this moment forever, but too soon it ended.

He composed himself, and then walked away.

That was the end of our one-week relationship, and from then on we had been mere friends. Of course I missed him, I missed what we had, but still, I knew he had his reasons and I respected that.

I shook my head. I thought of the lower-tiers, and their struggle to stay afloat in the pool. Enough of them might be able to overpower the high-tiers, because there were so many of them. This couldn't be happening. Were Arlo, Remi, Seraphina, Cecile, and all the other high-tiers, did they know about this?

Did they choose to cast a blind eye? I felt my fury rising, and I felt empathy for the lower-tiers. As my anger ebbed, something had to be done.

Seraphina gave up her Queen-ship, the arrival of a powerful new student, it was all too much, and I fell onto my bed, the tears flowing down.

What was happening to Wellston? A knock on my door startled me, and I rubbed furiously at my tears.

"Come in," I said, trying for my voice not to shake. It was Arlo, just as handsome as I remembered. This was not a good time.

"Are you alright? I heard sobs." And then I knew. We both still had feelings for each other, despite breaking up a year ago. And I didn't need to say anything, neither of us did, in fact. It was touch and go.

One second later, I was pinned against the wall, his breath warm against my neck. I knew it wasn't the best way to cope with grief, but as our tongues clashed against each other, all thoughts of rationality went out of the window.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Elaine." I felt heat pooling within my legs, but before we could take it any further, Seraphina strode into my dorm.

"Excuse me?" her face was pale as she walked in on us. I knew she hated Arlo, not just because he was a womanizer, but for some other reasons that I wasn't quite sure of. This was going to be a mess.

I excused myself to go to the restroom, with only one thought in mind. I removed my garments, and slowly drew myself a bubble bath. I heard Seraphina and Arlo taking their argument outside, and I relaxed. As I slowly felt my hands over my body, I thought of what it would be like for Arlo to do this instead. 

Finally, I heard their voices quiet down, and Seraphina appeared back in the room, with a bleeding Arlo.

I washed myself clean, and then strode out to meet them.

"What happened out there?" I questioned.

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