C H A P T E R # 4- Miss Perfect

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Here we go again. I sighed and began to focus on my math test. They were all staring at me, though not in a bad way. They were expecting me to get an A+, like I always did. I brushed down my purple ponytail and began to work. 

5 minutes later, I was done. I handed it in and walked the hallways of Wellston. Everybody either squeaked when they saw me or put their head down. Only John and Arlo didn't, probably cause Arlo was powerful enough that he could hold his own against me for a little while, and John, well John was something else. Something else that I couldn't quite figure out.

As I was walking, I didn't even notice that I was nearing a certain dark-haired figure. Smash. I walked straight into John.

"Watch where you're going." I nodded coldly as I walked past.

"You were the one who bumped into me." I glared at him. Don't make this a fight you can't win, you Mid-Tier. But was he really a Mid-Tier? Few could hold their own against Arlo, let alone defeat them. He couldn't have been a Mid-Tier...

"Aren't you going to apologize?" he asked. Without a hint of fear in his eyes, like he could take me and Arlo's asses and kick them. He really was something.

I nodded curtly and strode away. Hah. Him, kick my ass? He had nerve, at least. I knew I could take him.

I walked into the cafeteria, and I immediately saw Zeke bullying this low-tier for absolutely no reason. I didn't really care, it was the Low-Tier's fault for not being able to defend their own pathetic self, but Zeke only picked on the kids he knew he could beat. Being Wellston's third strongest boy wasn't exactly a coveted title when the highest boy was around 2 and a half levels ahead of you.

I nodded to Remi, the current Jack. I was still the Queen, even though I was more powerful than Arlo, that's how this goes. Elaine, the current healer on the Turf Wars team squeaked and put her head down. She was always following Arlo, who had this eternal smirk on his face because he "ruled the Wellston" or some shit like that.

Obviously since this place was hierarchy-oriented, I got the first pick for lunch meals and stuff. And then I saw it, a fight starting to  break out. Between Arlo and John. This was gonna be interesting.

Your lovely author: My fanfiction has Remi as the current Jack. Also, this is an alternate timeline so Sera and John may not be best friends...

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