C H A P T E R # 12 - Turf Wars

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In addition to all this drama with John and Sera's relationship, Turf Wars was today. Luckily the rumors had quieted down a bit, which was thankful. But still, I was more preoccupied with Turf Wars than this drama. I was pretty sure Arlo would handle all this...

Arlo... was my role model, so to speak. He commanded with such an authority and was the best leader I could hope for. Seraphina was... an okay leader? She didn't really take much responsibility, just threw herself into schoolwork and now... John? About that. 

Arlo had told me yesterday that he thought something was up. Seraphina is the most studious student he knew, and for her to hang out with a cripple? Unheard of! And for her to be in love with even anybody? Nobody even really knew what to say to that. Arlo thought it was just a jig for something more, but I thought it was good for Seraphina to be in a relationship. 

I personally thought she was too focused on academics and just wanted her to live a little, but, hey, it's not my decision!

The train ride was quiet. Blyke barely looked up from his phone, Seraphina was thinking in the distance, and Arlo was smirking. He knew we would win. Firstly, now we had Seraphina on our team so she would crush them, and well, he was just so cocky. That's one of the things I liked about him.

"Ready to go down?" the king of Agwen, Broven said. Arlo just smirked.

"You're on, Broven." and with that the battle started. Gou and Blyke were a blur of red and blue, and I couldn't really see anything except for a flash of light every now and then. I personally, hated the Turf Wars, even though they enabled me to spend more time with Arlo, there was just so much gore and... a lot of healing.

I wondered what the other members of the roster had thought of this. This was instated by Arlo, after all. It was my second Turf War. The first... Arlo had taken them out singlehandedly. But there was another girl this time. A girl with grey hair. I wonder what her jam was.

It turns out, I would find out.

"Watch," Arlo's breath grazed my ear and I let out an involuntary shiver. Blyke was standing over Gou, with a lot of scratches on him and a bruise forming on his chest, but he had won. Gou grumbled and retired back so his healer could heal him, and I worked on Blyke.

"Broven, may I introduce the lovely Seraphina?" Seraphina just scoffed. She and Arlo had a mutual hatred. 

"Of course, Arlo." Broven smirked. He probably thought Seraphina was average. But she exceeded all expectations. Rein had tentacles, or sharp blue things dash at Seraphina but Seraphina kept dodging. She was blindingly fast, and in no time at all she had Rein pinned on the floor.

"That was boring. I want a real opponent!" I stood up to heal her wounds but she shook her head.

"Rewind," she whispered. Her wounds healed instantly. Broven paled.

"You want to face me?" Seraphina whispered. Broven then did something... unexpected. He unleashed a surge of energy at Seraphina without warning. Before she could react, Arlo formed a protective barrier around Seraphina.

"That's enough from you, Broven. C'mon Seraphina, Elaine, Blyke, and let's go." The train ride back to Wellston was silent. Until Blyke spoke up.

"Now about you and John..."

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