C H A P T E R # 7 - Royal Court

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Small Author Note: BEFORE WE BEGIN. Just to let you know (if you haven't noticed already) that the image at the top of each chapter is always the POV for that chapter. Just a small disclaimer as to why I put images and this Chapter will be well... fun to write. Let's check it out :)

I had gotten John as the Queen ordered. I briefly wondered what she was going to do with him. Confront him about Arlo? Ask him about his ability? John didn't look in the least bit disturbed. If anything, I had to be wary of him. Even though he assumed the ability of a common mid-tier, the whole school now knew that was not true.

We all saw what had happened at his two showdowns with Arlo. Frankly, he scared me. He was all happy-go-lucky until Arlo appeared. I don't know what hatred he had of Arlo. Frankly, Seraphina was worse it seemed. She might've taken responsibility for her Queenly duties, but that's literally all she did. She didn't help us lower-tiers, mid-tiers, or even elite-tiers. She was simply surrounded by Arlo, Remi, and all the other powerful people.

It was kind of sickening to how she cared so little. But I guess a person like her, born perfect, living in her own perfect little bubble, could not care at all.

We entered Seraphina's (recently built by the hands of mid-tiers) throne room. She sat on a giant, velvet chair with silver legs. And to top it all off, she had a diamond crown on the top of her head. I never dreamed she would actually go through with this, but she did. 

I activated my ability and turned invisible. And it was about to begin.

"So. I saw your showdown with Arlo." Seraphina said walking across the marble floor to John.

"Yeah. It sickens me how he treats people sometimes." John had a fleeting face of anger across his features, and I wondered if that was what fueled his hatred towards Arlo.

I respectfully stayed silent. And so did Seraphina, for a while. It seemed she was confused on what he was talking about. And then a lightbulb switched on in her head.

"The plight of the weaker?" she responded. John simply nodded. John also failed to notice that behind him, a specific blonde-haired boy was coming up behind him. Seraphina had a poker face on, like she always did, so that did not give him away. Arlo was clearly going to decimate John from behind with his barrier. As much as I respect the Royals, I had to do something.

Invisibly, just as Arlo was about to cast his barrier. I pushed him to the side and onto the cold, marble floor. He shielded himself from the impact with the barrier, but the damage was done.

I started to run across the floor, still invisible, trying to get the door.

"Come out, Terrence." John was just watching this exchange openmouthed and Seraphina had resumed her seat on her throne, watching this like it was some sort of funny spectacle. Arlo stopped dead in the center of the throne room. In his hands was a tiny, yellow bubble of a barrier. Suddenly, it extended and grew much, much bigger. It was going to smash us all against the wall! Seraphina stopped time, grabbed John (for some reason) and ran towards the exit. Arlo smirked as Seraphina unfroze time. The barrier smushed me against the wall and I felt a blinding pain as I was being compressed slowly against the wall.

"You need to be punished for your insolence." but I was still invisible. Any moment now, I would become visible. He could see the blood dripping from my hand and he dashed towards the blood, which was where I was. Although I was injured, I knew someone who could protect me, at least for a little while.

As he cast his barrier out at me, a familiar blue-haired girl and a pink-haired girl stood ahead of me. Cecile and Remi. Cecile cast out her energy ropes, trapping Arlo's barrier in place for some time. Remi cast out lightning, exploding the barrier. Arlo rushed towards them.

"Why are you protecting this brat?" His face was a mask of fury as he was continuously dettered by Remi and Cecile.

"I don't want to lose my minion!" called Cecile. With a wave of a barrier though, they were all deflected back. Unconscious. I became visible and he advanced on me.

"Now for you." Suddenly, Arlo was pushed back by an invisible force.

"Miss me?" called the taunting tone of Seraphina.

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