C H A P T E R # 18 - Escape

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omggg guys it's been so long- ;_; i haven't had the will to update for a while but I guess I'm returning to the story. let me tell you a story before the chapter begins.

it was supposed to be a side project, a fun project. I mean, now I feel like I can't keep up with the times and I know you guys want an update...

and I feel like I'm stretching it out too long. and... I'm starting to wonder if I should discontinue the story and move to 


completely. there I have a profile established you guys can check it out, it has another contest entry. 

but this does in no way shape or form mean that I have decided to leave this account, or Wattpad yet. 

this just means that a change of the winds might occur soon. now without further ado, let us welcome chapter#18!


I screamed. I was being chained up, and my hands were tied, and they had somehow deactivated my powers so I couldn't escape.

"Now, now, Leilah. Don't make this harder than it already is." I knew that the moment I left home was a mistake, and I hadn't a clue how to fix it. This company was malicious, and I had known that. But I desperately had needed a job, and they gave a great salary.

But now I was trapped like a mouse in a cage, unable to escape, unable to do anything. I blacked out again, and then I woke up next to the raven-haired boy, John. He was screaming, muttering in his sleep about a place called New Bostin. I had a feeling something was awry, and he wasn't right in the head. But I didn't daresay anything. 

I briefly wondered about Sera, and how she was doing. But I knew that the next time we met, we would not be sister and sister, we would be enemies. 

"Leilah!" Sera's arm pulled on me.

"What is it, Sera?" Leilah asked concernedly. Sera's big blue eyes filled with tears. "I lost my teddy-bear, can you help me find it?" she said in a plaintive tone. 

Leilah scoured the area and saw it hiding behind a couple of chairs. Sera hugged Leilah as she found it.

"Thank you, sister!"

Leilah was done reminiscing about moments once past. Or so she thought. She desperately missed Seraphina, not her mother of course, but she wanted her sister back.

She froze time and unlocked the door, and then ran out. But this was taking an enormous amount of energy, and Leilah wasn't sure how long she could hold it. 

"Ug, Ugh!" she ran out of the building just as she collapsed. A brown-haired man teleported her out, and then she slumped against a fence.


It was chaos. My eyes adjusted, and people were running all over the place. 

"Where is Leilah?" she had escaped, I realized. All the better. The things she knew about this place could help take it down. I tried to steal an ability, but it wasn't working.

Shit, how could this be? I tried again and again, but it was like my ability had an on and off switch, and the switch was currently flipped to off. Then I saw a needle mark on my skin. While I was unconscious, they must had taken away my ability with some sort of serum. I would make sure those bastards payed. But as soon as I walked out of my cell, I was knocked back down.

"Stay here, you." a man with a gruff voice forcibly shoved me into my cell, and I slumped over, unconscious.



now if any of you check out @iwaiwrites , I will update Superhero soon! love y'all and thanks for your extended support!

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