C H A P T E R# 16- Questions

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"What the fuck, Arlo?" I glared at him, after I had so kindly interrupted their make out session.

He just tapped his foot, clearly annoyed. "You know we had some level of attraction, Sera." which was I supposed all he said on the matter. The day's events had caught up to me, leaving me surprisingly tired.

"Get out." I commanded.

"I have, how do you say, unfinished business with Elaine." His eyes glowed a dangerous blue, and I was for a second, thinking he was going to attack me. But that would be stupidity. He knew I was more powerful than him. Instead, he did a different method of utilizing his ability.

He was pressing me against the wall, I realized. I froze time and slowly slipped through the barrier, kicking Arlo. He coughed out blood, but retaliated. Elaine was watching on through the windows, I could see her form. She looked distressed, and I realized something more sinister might be going on.

Then I saw another person, a boy with a lithe form and a distinct mop of purple hair seem to appear from underneath her bed. She acted like nothing was wrong, but she could tell I had seen him.

I unfroze time and I walked over to Elaine. And this time, Arlo didn't stop me.

"What is going on here?" Elaine whimpered. The purple-haired boy was pressed up against her, trying to make himself look invisible.

I heard him whisper something to Elaine, and for the briefest moment, his eyes glowed the colors of the rainbow.

"It's a façade?" how did Elaine know? I kept my face schooled in a perfectly white, blank mask. 

"He's my brother," Elaine mumbled. Without a word, so-called brother jumped out of the window and seemed to land on a pile of... air. 

A pink-haired girl swished her hair around, and her eyes glowed a color I couldn't quite see. They rose up into the air, and then they had vanished.

Before I could question her further, Arlo stumbled in with a bleeding leg.

"What did you do to him?"

I took that as my cue to leave. As I was walking through the walls, to clear my head, a familiar black-haired boy bumped into me.

None other than John.

"Hey, Sera." he did something unexpected, a soft peck on the cheek. When I looked at him questioningly, I looked down the hall and saw Isen peeping out from the halls. So that was why he did that.

"Listen, I have something to tell you." this was unlike the goofy, uplifting John I knew.

"I-" but then something, or someone pushed him forward and knocked me down, and our lips were glued together. I was blinded by a bright camera flash, and then suddenly as it had begun, it was over.

But neither of us moved from our position. It wasn't bad, I thought. It might've even been good. It felt like hours until we finally peeled ourselves of of each other. John's face was stained red with a blush, and I was sure that my face was no less red.

"That was... entertaining." I rushed back to the dorm to calm my flaming cheeks. What was going on with me? I never felt like this with a boy, lest a boy that I was in a fake relationship with. It must've just been a chance of the times.

Little did I know... I would be so wrong.

Author: IWAI HERE! Yes, yes, you guys got two kisses in two chapters. Isn't that amazing? LOL. I usually never do kisses. I also have a g i f t. (okay, this might be really bad). Thank you for everybody's who has stayed with me!

bonus (some mature content) (THIS IS NOT PART OF THE STORY)

I moaned softly as I felt Arlo's hands slowly knead my breasts.

"Don't stop, Arlo." How this had gone from a simple studying session to this, I didn't know. I found myself slowly laying down on the silky sheets, enjoying this moment. As soon as he took my nipple in his mouth, I felt a sense of pleasure that I had never felt before.

Every moment was delicious, every small movement that he did sent me closer to hurtling over the edge. We kissed again and again, and it was the passion, the electricity that got me. Slowly, Arlo's hands moved south and I felt him knead my clit.

All thoughts and words were thrown out of the window as I felt the rhythm of his fingers pushing in, out, in out. I was teetering on the edge, only a couple seconds away from orgasmic bliss, and then he stopped. Slowly, he removed his boxers and applied a condom, gently.

"Let me know if this hurts, alright?" his voice was uncharacteristically gentle, but I knew that was about to end soon. And he took it slow at first, filling me up with his length slowly, slowly.

But then as I became more accustomed to the speed, it went faster, and faster, and I was certain that Seraphina could hear my screams of pleasure through the wall.

"Arlo!" we were both panting as we hit our climax. After that, I sighed. I had never felt anything like that before, it was over too soon. But as soon as Arlo pulled me into his arms, I fell fast asleep into his embrace.

AUTHOR: this is your short, very short gift. yea, it probably sucks but I tried to get better (i really did) but... yeah.

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