C H A P T E R # 1 - New Kid

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I steeled my nerves. I just hoped that this academy would be good for me. Academics were all the rigor here. Hopefully they didn't focus on abilities or powers.

No. I would not suffer from my past. I would keep my head up and look into the light, not succumb to the shadows. Time to begin.

I passed through the halls of Wellston High. A clean, white-tiled orderly building, I supposed this was supposed to be my fresh start. I took a deep breath, and walked into the classroom. Instantly I felt everybody's eyes meet mine. No chance of escape. I smiled as politely as possible as I took my seat.

This was the moment of truth. A cute, blue-haired girl walked up to me.

"Hey, I'm Elaine!" she said in a friendly voice. It didn't seem like a façade, maybe she was simply trying to be nice.

"I'm John." I smiled politely, a bit disinterested. I hoped they wouldn't ask me about my ability. 

"So, I meant to ask. What's your ability?"

Instantly every kid seemed to perk up. Classic. What was I supposed to do? Say that I was a cripple? Lie about my ability? I thought it would be safer to go with the latter.

"Oh, you know. I'm just a common mid-tier, level 3.1." Elaine sighed and went back to her seat, muttering something about wanting a surprise for once.

Were they battle-hungry or something? These people were inane about abilities. I really hoped I wouldn't be picked on first thing. I would hopefully not have to show my ability for the rest of my time here, if that would ever be the case.

I could sense impending doom. I looked around the room and saw a red-haired and orange-haired boy arguing about a broken pen. I saw Elaine talking to a pink-haired girl, who had an aura of power. I would have to respect her. If anybody knew about bowing down to the hierarchy, it would be me.

No! Enough about the past. Time to focus on the present. But I felt my concentration slowly slipping away during the Trigonometry lesson. 

"John Amadeus Doe!" called the teacher. I blinked and looked up. The teacher looked annoyed that I was dozing off in class. 

He asked for the answer of a complicated equation. Just when I was on the verge of asking "may I go to the bathroom," the pink-haired girl from earlier answered.

She answered correctly, and then to my surprise, she winked at me. As if to say, your welcome. I smiled a bit at this kind gesture. Maybe Wellston wouldn't be so bad after all. As soon as I trudged to the lunchroom, I saw it. It was the most decadent chocolate cake I had ever seen. Sadly, a purple-haired girl with an even bigger aura of power was walking towards it too. I was there first. But then, it felt as time... froze?

I couldn't move a single muscle as she slowly walked towards me, her blue eyes glinting, and nabbed the cake out of my hand. Oh, how I wished I could let my ability loose and strike her down. No, bad John! Think about happy thoughts, unicorns, rainbows.

And I couldn't even if I wanted to. I had said I was a mid-tier after all.

"Did you just see that? He didn't even fight back!"

"Must be intimidated by Miss Perfect."

"Of course he wouldn't dare step a toe out of line, she's Seraphina!"

All those whispers were beginning to annoy me.

"For your information, I bet I could whoop Seraphina's ass in combat!" I shouted to the crowd. They all turned to me like I had chosen a death wish. Whatever. This bitch was going down. Nobody steals my food, anyway.

We squared off in the middle of the cafeteria. Without warning, she did that freezing time spell again. But just as she was about to hit me, she stopped.

"Arlo, this isn't your place."

"Or is it?" said a blonde-haired boy. It seemed he had created a yellow protective bubble around me out of thin air. She tried to punch through it to get to me.

"No damn person insults me and gets away with it! Now let me through!"

"Not on my watch, don't be a bully, Sera." he replied.

"Oh shut the hell up! You have no right to call me that anyway!" Seraphina screeched and punched through the barrier. Instantly, he arm started to bleed profusely.

Rewind. As she whispered that her wound immediately healed. What the... this girl was a tough cookie.

I couldn't beat her, and I tried to turn tail and run. Damn, I ran into the barrier. Like I was a misbehaving hamster, Arlo refused to let me go. He even began to shrink the barrier.

"Let me out!" I shouted but it was muffled. I had no choice. I looked around for an ability to copy. A weak ability. Something mid-tier. Something just strong enough to break through the barrier. Nothing mid-tier was strong enough to do that. I couldn't, I mean I couldn't break through as he kept shrinking, waiting to see what my move was.

Hidden deep where none shall hide, I call upon the beast inside. I couldn't, I just couldn't. But he wouldn't let me out, I had no choice. I decidedly copied the pink girl's ability, the lightning. I amped it up to a 6.0, instead of her 5.4. Just enough for a god-tier ability. The lightning left heavy marks on the barrier, but it just wouldn't break. I formed it into a spherical ball, and threw it at the barrier. Still, nothing. Ah, damn. I stole a blue-haired girl's ability, the energy ropes. I amped that one up to 5.9. I formed them into needles, and the barrier finally broke. I used a dual energy rope and lightning attack to attack that blonde boy, who tried to protect himself with the barrier.

Yellow, green, and blue collided, and then my vision faded into inky blackness.

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