C H A P T E R # 11- Hiding

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We needed to get away. By "we" I meant me and Seraphina. They were swarming me.

"Tell us the details!"

"How did you fall in love?"

"I ship you!" (xD)

At least the excuse was working. That was the one good news that would come out of this. Remi and Arlo were probably still a bit suspicious. Firstly, Seraphina reportedly "hated" lower-tiers and she was supposed to be the perfect student.

This would probably bring her reputation down. 

The Queen of Wellston in love with lowly mid-tier? But for now the greedy bitches were content to sip up the gossip. The questions would come later, and rather soon possibly. But for now everybody was busy finding out everything about the relationship.

Amongst all the chaos, I managed to step out of the crowd and flee. I went to the one destination, which was Seraphina's locker.

"Now see what you've done," she hissed, "the whole school is all over us!"

"Well, I'm sorry for finding something to save our skin," I wasn't in the mood to deal with this right now. She just rolled her eyes and slowed time. As we ran up to the roof, we sat in silence. But it wasn't silent for long. A specific pink-haired girl and an asshole came up to the roof.

Arlo and Remi in the flesh. This was going to be trouble.

"We all know there's more to the story than that," Arlo said, "out with it!"

"You actually believe I'll tell you?" Seraphina laughed. Remi's eyes glowed a violent blue and then without warning, she charged at Seraphina. Seraphina just sidestepped (she moved really quickly) and Remi smashed against the gate.

"Why you little-" Remi lunged for me but Seraphina stood in front of me, protecting me.

She froze time and said something, and her wounds healed instantly. 

"You can't beat me!" Seraphina lunged at Remi and smashed her against the gate again, but Arlo hastily put up a barrier to stop her before she went further.

"Please Seraphina, we just want to know the truth-" Seraphina was the only one that Arlo was even remotely scared of.

Seraphina wheeled around and faced me.

"You want to know the truth?" and then she was capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. An unknown sensation was tingling through me and it felt... good. Even though I didn't particularly like Seraphina, it actually felt right.

She pressed away too soon. But I could see from that small spark in her eyes that she had felt it too. Arlo's eyes widened, shocked.

Things were about to get a lot more interesting.

AUTHOR: HEHEHEHE. EHHEEHEHEHE. I'm on such a roll that I might even get to Chapter#12 today :P I mean I just updated once, this will be the second. EHEHEHEHEHEHE J e  r ap h i na. and also my fans who wanted arlaine just wait until turf wars HAHAHAHAHA which is the next chapter H A H A H A lol (why am I laughing so much it's crazy) anyway I'll try to get as MANY chapters up today as possible because I left you guys for 11 freaking days sooo-

E n j o y ;D

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