C H A P T E R # 17.5- Another Late Day at the Office

160 7 0

mm yes yes I know the chapter name is long-

Date Taken: 3/15/21 - 3/22/21

Word Count (self-explanatory): 

I was reorganizing my papers when I heard a crash from above. I assumed it was normal, after all, test experiments were a busy thing. But I heard voices. I never heard voices in the facility. Running up, with my violet hair whipping violently around me, I saw it.

Two males fighting, and a blue-haired female being sedated on the stretcher. Even though I had only worked at the facility for a while, I knew this was unethical behavior.

"Hey! What the fuck are you guys doing?"

"Stand back, Leilah. It's not your place." I shook my head, determined to get past them. I was blasted to the ground, and then, silence.

When I woke up again, I was in a locked room. I screamed and cried to be let out, but they wouldn't. My paperwork was still there, and I ripped it to shreds. Never again would I work in this company.

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