C H A P T E R # 2 - Doctor Darren

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Ah. I relaxed in my chair. Such an easy workload. No demonic little teenagers coming to my office for healing. I was glad nobody was being beat up today. Then suddenly, the door banged open.


"You see, I saw this man sprawled out on the ground..." she replied. I gave her a glare. She just stared back and then flounced out of the room. I had a feeling the story was more than she was letting on.

As I set a glass of water and a nasty green potion for healing next to him, I wondered what happened. His wounds must have been created by some High-Tiers. Maybe even God-Tiers?

As he stirred, I decided not to be too menacing because after all, he hadn't done anything to deserve being beaten up, of course.

"Hey! I'm the Doctor here. Doctor Darren."

"John. John Amadeus Doe."

"What happened to you? Looks like you got pretty beat up." Then he started to talk about the fight. He was this beat up, over a chocolate cake. A freaking chocolate cake?

"So let me get this straight, you got beat up because of a chocolate cake slice."

"Yeah, that's about it." 

What the hell! Dumb kids and their dumb cakes. Dumb Seraphina and Dumb Arlo. Everybody is freaking dumb in this school

"Well why did you take it if you're only a Mid-Tier? You know you would've been beat up!" I said, exasperated.

"Well, I was hungry," he said, "And I wasn't about to let some random bitch steal my cake!"

I sighed. Seraphina was not a bitch. I inspected his wounds, but luckily he didn't seem to have as many as I thought he would've had. Looks like he was a powerful Mid-Tier? Dunno, he had an aura of power.

"Alright, John. I'll let you off the hook this time. Just be more careful next time."

"Sure thing, Doctor!"

I watched as he left. Hopefully no one else came in today.

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