C H A P T E R # 10 - Drama

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Hello (yes) I am aware that I left you all out with nothing and I have no excuses (sad face). I'll try to find a better update schedule but it's hard ╰(‵□′)╯but I won't let you down! Hehe also I was obsessed on Chapter#212 for UnOrdinary (lolz).

I wondered what Seraphina was about to ask me. I hoped it wasn't too important. And Seraphina and John in a relationship? That couldn't be true... could it?

If it was, then my world would have been destroyed. Seraphina always said she didn't want to associate with the lower-tiers. If she was in love with John that couldn't be possible...

There was something else, something bigger going on. Arlo's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Remi! Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?" Arlo was clearly annoyed.

"Sorry, Arlo," I whispered, "I was thinking." He waved his hand dismissively.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Sera is up to something." he responded. Like I didn't know that? I was pretty sure Sera was up to something. She looked embarrassed to be caught though.

I was probably being overly suspicious. I was sure there was a reasonable explanation for this. Something that didn't involve a detective hunt.

I heard all the students gossiping about it. Somehow Seraphina and John had stayed out of sight. How had this gotten around again?

I looked at Arlo, but he looked confused as well. Was somebody spying on us? Probably. Word had gotten around the school rather quickly (at least more quickly) than it should've.

Isen came up to us.

"Have you heard? Seraphina and-"

"John are in a relationship." I finished for him. I looked behind me instinctively when I heard a scuffling noise. And lo and behold, it was John. He tried to run from me, but I caught his arm.

"What's up with you and Seraphina?" Isen asked rather loudly. The whole hall tried to swarm John, but he managed to flee. This was crazy! And I was determined to get to the bottom of this.

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