C H A P T ER # 8 - A Minute in Time

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Author Note: Enjoy your update! That's all I have to say ;) 

He had an awed expression on his space as we seemed to move past Arlo, who was frozen and shaking with anger. Well, not really shaking. He couldn't. I froze time. As much as I didn't care for Terrence, something inside me felt like I couldn't just leave him there. What was I thinking? But for some reason, when I saved John, it felt... better, almost. I couldn't really put an explanation on it. Also, when our fingers brushed as he left for class, I felt a sort of, a sort of spark.

What was I doing? I cleared my head and kept leading Terrence on to the door, and let him free. I unfroze time.

"Why did you save the fucker?" Arlo exclaimed. I was confused.

"All he did was push you, you didn't need to go all beast-mode on him or whatever boys call their rage state." Arlo sighed.

"See, this is the problem. You're the reason the hierarchy is falling apart!" 

I stopped dead in my tracks. What did he just say? I venemously glared at him. My fault? My fault? It was his own fault that the lower, mid, and even some elite-tiers were all scared of god-tiers. Hell, he bullied so much that I'm pretty sure he didnt know his own self!

"How is it my fault?"

"Becaues you don't even try to solve half of the problems!" Arlo raged. With that, he left the throne room, giving me room to ponder. It was true, I didn't really get involved with problems with the lower tiers, because I thought Arlo could handle them all! Technically, even though my ability was far more powerful than his, Arlo was the King. If only there was a role higher than the King...

I figured it out. I could "create" a new role. The Ace. I went to go in search of a new queen.

Author Note: Note. This is NOT the actual reality of how the actual Ace role was created but... it is a fanfiction so all is fair game ;) enjoy! sorry this update is so short BUT. I do have a lot of free time today soooo, another one?

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