C H A P T E R # 17- Professor

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REGULARLY SCHEDULED: D-Does anybody r-rem-member me? If so, great! If not- well, it's me! Miss doesn't-know-how-to-follow-update-schedules! Yes, YES I said I was doing a collab with Hydra. (don't worry, this is still my main story). Thank you for staying with me! AhEm. Okay... I'm gonna TRy to get to 1000+ words in this chapter yes, yes, small steps. baby steps. Enjoy! please note that your author has been on break for 30 million billion years, so the quality of her writing has deteriorated (oKAy, tHAt dIdn'T hApPen BuT sTiLl):

mk I also need to update Dtharmic Academy but I shall do that lAtEr.

thou shall notice that there are two new things

Date: 3/1/21 - 3/9/21 (the amount of time I've worked on the chapter) [I KNOW, EIGHT WHOLE DAYS]

Word Count: (self-explanatory)

ANYWAYYYYY I've rambled on enough now happy reading! (enjoy)

It was all thanks to the new professor. Of course, I hadn't minded, as he seemed okay! But like all things, I knew it wouldn't last. I had pushed myself harder than ever into my studies, but it always seemed like it was never enough.

"John Doe, please report to the principal's office." The Headmaster himself always had a nice, long talk with me after I received my report card. D's and C's, with only one B-, he had said. 

I was failing all of my classes. And the worst thing was, I needed a tutor.

"Seraphina, report to the Headmaster's office." I heard over the buzzing of the intercom. Whatever this meant, it couldn't be good. I feared the worst, and it was delivered.

I sighed, and then waited for the purple-haired menace to come.

"Yes, Headmaster Vaughn- oh, it's you." her tone went from polite to flat. Just flat.

He explained that she was going to be my new tutor (how sad) because he said, "he needs help academically." Obviously, Seraphina wasn't up to the idea either, but she just nodded (what else was she going to do, after all)?

As we slowly, numbly walked out of the classroom, I couldn't help but wonder. What did life have in store for me? I wanted to do something great. I wanted to be somebody important. Because all my life I had been crushed, and I finally had power now.

I didn't want to have to resort to brute force, because whoever suggested that was an ass. I wanted peace for all the lower-tiers. But I couldn't, at least, I wouldn't be able to without somebody's help. I looked at Sera's glinting blue eyes, and I had a plan.

I just couldn't act on it, not yet. I needed to wait. When we finally reached my dorm, she told me to text her when I was available. Even though I never planned on doing that, it sounded like she was resigned to her fate. 

I closed my dorm door, and slid against the wall. All the exhaustion was finally catching up to me. Somebody cleared his throat, and I screamed.

It was him. He lunged at me, nothing more than a shadowy figure with a knife. I dodged, but I had no ability to steal. I punched him square in the face, but it was ineffectual against a brute like him. I believe I hurt my fist more than I hurt him.

I was pinned against the wall, but I dodged his knife stabs.

Then the door flung open, and my head hit the wall with a crack. Nothing was broken yet, but I was barely conscious. Seraphina, or Elaine, screamed and rushed over to me. But when they saw the brute, they screamed louder. My vision was getting foggy.

The last thing I knew, I had heard screams.

AHEM. Now I know that I would usually stop the chapter here but because I have been keeping you waiting for soO lOng, I think an extra-long chapter is in order. on with the show :>

When I woke up, I wasn't in Wellston's infirmary, and I could barely see. Somebody was chained up next to me. Elaine. The lights flickered on, and they went for Elaine first. I had no abilities to steal, and though I didn't really like her, I still wanted to protect her. But I couldn't break the handcuffs.

Where the hell was I? And what was happening? I heard muffled screams, and then, Elaine went still like a ragdoll. Then a blonde-haired male shouted from beside me. Arlo.

"NOO! ELAINE!!" he broke free of the handcuffs and lunged at them. Attacking them with his barrier. I stole his ability, or at least, borrowed part of it. I broke free of my handcuffs and cast a barrier over Elaine.

She was still, and the heart rate monitors were still. It was the first time I had seen Arlo crying. His eyes were full of tears, and his voice was cracking.

"H-how could you do this to me?" he stuttered madly, and then he lunged at me. 

"I didn't do anything!" but it was no use. He had me pinned against the wall, and was forcing his barrier down on me. I broke his barrier with my own, and then I ran down a hallway. A purple-haired woman with green eyes, who looked kind of like Seraphina screamed at me to stop, and then she froze time.

But I kept running, and I stole her ability. But then I hit a rock wall, and all I saw at the end, was darkness again.

(as seen in Leilah's eyes)

He was running for the exit, but I knew he wouldn't make it. He hit the rock wall with a sickening crack.

I remembered Seraphina's text message to me.

"There's something about that raven-haired male, that sort of, draws me in."


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